Cinnamon Owl

I'm taking unreasonable delight in "the evil cabal of Paul Ryan and Access Hollywood" gaining traction.

And raving about suspenders.

I could see a plotline where Michael tweaked the equivalent of Asimov's laws of robotics to make Janet more adaptable, not realizing that this always leads to the robots attempting to murder their overlords.

I like the idea that soulmates are not romantic; that's just a translation problem. And the other couples are at various levels of privately faking it, or as a couple hiding it.

The physical humor of cleaning the office was really spot on.

I myself prefer the Ryan-Access Hollywood conspiracy.

When you have stuff in common with Mitch McConnell, you should be ashamed.

As a MA voter—Weld is still really popular here—I am really mystified that they didn't put Bill at the top. I bet he could name a foreign country.

It'll be how guys talk in the locker room.

I loved that podcast. "Good use of polling, bad use of polling? Fuck that, we're going to Trump's comments."

As if we didn't have enough evidence that WikiLeaks was a branch of Russian intelligence, their complete inability to understand "what's more exciting than a sex scandal" confirms it.

Eh, he's not breaking 40 in many of the latest polls. We might get that down to an even 30.

Because if Trump doesn't like a story, naturally it shouldn't be allowed to be printed.

I predict that that poll will push enough Trump nose-holders to abandon him and give the state to McMullin.

I think with Eric they merge into one thing.

I am puzzled as to whom that's going to surprise. It honestly seems less bad than his repeated insistence that every black person in America lives in the inner city. Or the more nuanced story from the first black winner of The Apprentice. (Trump kept having him background checked, convinced he must be faking the

I hope the media stares deep into its soul post-election, trying to figure out how the unhinged fascist got this far before truly damaging background stories (not "Trump says offensive thing") started to hit.

I predict this goes exponential. Being the first is hard, you know it's going to be a tsunami of nastiness. The more women that come forward, the harder it is to fight them all. And more of his victims will decide to defend his fellow victims rather than stay silent.

I think that's what they plan for the next four weeks. Lock themselves in the Breitbart-rally bubble and convince themselves that that's the nation.