Cinnamon Owl

What's wrong with McMullen? He's conservative and not seemingly insane and people have heard his name and he's even on some ballots.

I think that's behind the 3 AM tweeting. During the veep debate he had four advisors crouched around him, ready to leap in and rip the device from his hand; apparently they don't keep it away from him at night.

Honestly, the entire theme of Wikileaks-as-Russian-front has been "people have opinions in private." This just is not going to resonate with people not pre-outraged.

Google tells me the first lady of Arkansas—what Hillary was 30 years ago—is Asa Hutchinson. Apparently she should be fixing the federal tax code from there.

538 has come up with a metric whereby whoever is in the news is not doing well. Romney 8 years ago, Trump now. When Clinton was in the news, polls closed; Trump went back on top of news coverage and polls went off a cliff.

I checked, and he seems to still not have filed the paperwork that would make his loans to the campaign into donations. I have a guess where the money not spent on ads or groundgame might be going November 9th.

Middle of last week he pulled ads in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and a bunch of other close states. There is a strategy somewhere in here.

I figured the Akin experience was why they brought her on.

Savage Love today: "I'm sixty-four years young hitting on college students; why are women in their 20s so ageist?"

"I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it"—her point about protests where she disagrees with either their motive or their effectiveness—is supposed to be a liberal American value. Heck, it's supposed to be a conservative American value.

I've noticed that wherever I live, the real assholes are concentrated in whoever's the majority. People in the minority at least have to think about why they hold their beliefs.

I was perplexed about the "campaigning with Al Gore to get millennials" until I realized it was Florida. Yeah, Florida? No protest votes. Trump thinks climate change is a conspiracy by the Chinese. If the National Weather Service tells him a hurricane is hitting Florida, and Sputnik says there is no hurricane, he's

Ben Sasse skipped the Republican convention because he would be taking his children on a far more edifying tour of the dumpster fires of Nebraska. This was the official position of his office. For that alone I have to respect him.

Trump's MRA people are making the argument that he's describing consent. If you think she wants it, that's consent, apparently.

Praising Putin and demonizing refugees are obviously wrong choices.

The Great British Baking Show. (Sadly ending next year.) My husband will hear dramatic music issuing from my laptop, glance over my shoulder, and wander off bemused that rather than an epic rooftop battle between rival ninja gangs we seem to be frosting cakes.

These girls are missing out on me because they would rather be abused, cheated on, and kicked around by some young prince.

Some time back Dan had an LW with a "fetish": they were only attracted to beautiful people with high social status. Hey, they couldn't help it, they were wired that way. Oddly, the beautiful people with high social status used looks and social status to sort offers and LW was severely lacking in each. How could they

Second story I've read this week where men in their 60s try to shame women in their 20s or early 30s for being "ageist" and "close-minded" just because they don't want to have sex with the old guys.

I'm getting an unreasonable amount of giggles from "acid-washed." I can just see President Trump demanding that his minions acid-wash the records, and firing them when they tell him it isn't a thing.