Cinnamon Owl

I give credit to John McCain for specifically citing the Central Park Five garbage as a reason to unendorse.

Anyone who uses the term "alpha male" unironically can safely be assumed to be typing alone on a computer late Saturday night, not surrounded by admiring slightly-less-alpha friends and women throwing their panties at him only because of The Conspiracy.

My favorite is the theory that it was Trump's complaints about the debate microphone that drove a sound guy somewhere in Hollywood to dig up proof of what a working microphone can do.

I suspect most Latinos have experienced racism like that he directed at Curiel, and most Muslims prejudice like that he directed at the Khans. But they are minorities, and minorities that were already heavily against Trump.

I really want all these people to be asked, on the record, what they would say if their beloved Donald offered to give their daughter a personal tour of Mar a Lago. Would they encourage her to be polite and go along? If not, why not?

Man am I wistful for Mitt. A decent guy in many respects, brought down by his need to pander to the monkey-waving base rather than being its id made manifest.

One of the best predictor of elections is who people think will win. Asked that, voters do pretty well.

Who knew that of all the Bushes trying to score anything on Don, it would be Billy who finally landed a haymaker to the jaw?

I'm crediting Cindy and his kids for this one.

At this point, I really wish the Russia connection got as much play as the contents of any claimed hack.

They're also booing office holders who are still supporting Trump. Because they're just that mad at anyone 'establishment' and what do actual positions and facts matter?

I am loving Utah. And Mormons generally (also in Idaho and Arizona) who are willing to act like their religious beliefs mean something, unlike the Evangelicals saying "well, he did promise to nominate Supreme Court justices I'd like. And would he go back on his word November 9th, once he has what he wants from me,

Legally, they would need Trump to cooperate, admit he is wrong, and bow out for the good of the party. So impossible. (Unless they manage to drive him to a stroke—you can remove the nominee if he is dead or incapacitated, but not if he's really annoying.)

And it needs to happen. They should have amputated the crazies back in 2009—I honestly thought they were going to—rather than drag around this dead limb muttering about all the people it hates and all the conspiracies to bring it down, while they try to pretend it didn't say anything.

Politico has a vey good story on "Russia. No seriously" this morning. And one thing Putin has been pushing in Eurasia is "facts, what are those? Can we really be sure of anything, just because it's reported? Doubt everything." Which dovetails beautifully with someone's presidential campaign. Russia's goal is to sow

Re basket of deplorables, I had been impressed when Clinton earlier pressed the alt-right thing in a very good speech, and perplexed that it is a story that just Does Not Break Through. With Alicia Machado and then this, it does seem that her campaign was right to think that it was this stuff that would eventually

Book rather than movie, but A Town Like Alice. It's interesting to read a historical novel in which our (sympathetic) protagonists accept the background racism around them, like separate entrances for Aboriginals in the new ice cream parlor, as the way things work and not needing a second thought. So much historical

Well, now I can't unsee that.

Eh, Cruz was born in Canada and Republicans are fine with that. I don't think it's a barrier so long as he runs as a Republican.

While true, there is also a cadre of reluctant Hillary supporters, reluctant Trump supporters, and between them a 'meh, I just won't vote/will write in my cat' group. He just moved many people in those groups left.