Cinnamon Owl

Whoa. Someone finally had the nerve to just hide his phone.

Thing is, he first entertained a run back in 2000. He had 15 years to set up a decade of boring tax returns, avoid making embarrassing recordings, and generally prepare for the easily-foreseeable things that arise in a presidential contest.

Was there a pool as to which Bush family member might finally get in a solid shot on The Donald? Because I'm guessing Billy was long odds.

They are missing that madcap "what new thing can go wrong today in the apocalypse?" sense that made the first two seasons so fun. At least for Warren's group—Murphy is treading new territory. But Murphy's new territory involves a lot of mind-controlled people, which has limited dramatic tension when the mind control

Pleased that the show took my request from last week to have 10K and Merch come up with a cure and escape, even if you immediately knew "do this one thing and we'll meet up and leave" meant the plan was doomed. (Watch your Scooby Doo, Merch.) I could have seen Merch + Sun bringing enough diversity to make a cure seem

Maybe Original Jianyu silently fixed tricycles for children who love tricycles throughout his life.

Maybe Other Eleanor and Jianyu are messing up The Bad Place as thoroughly as Eleanor is messing up TGP.

I think it's ambiguous—he might have dated a few people but never felt the connection he thought he should. Or he could have analyzed all the possible things that might happen if he tried saying "Hey, wanna get coffee?" to someone and never managed to get to square one.

There's an open question as to whether there's another layer above, where they keep score starting from your arrival in The Good Place.

He seems to have gone flat out for "Vote for Clinton if your state is remotely close. This is the forking future of democracy here." (After his people looked into flipping the ticket, but can't if Johnson doesn't cooperatively step down.)

Sleep is fun!

It is interesting that the only two couples we know in any detail are definitely not soul mates. (Man… would the real Jianyu have validated Tahani, writing her notes about how wonderful she was?) The others are met in such glancing ways, we can't tell if they are genuinely in synch or faking hard. (For this ep's

After last week's meltdown to Michael, I keep noticing when her hair cascades particularly well.

Plus his concern that he might miss his one chance at mini waffles if he didn't get there fast enough, even though Janet will clearly drape one in mini waffles if asked.

I honestly expected her to stomp out of the reading of the will and into the path of a cement mixer.

"The person most likely to be Banksy" was surprisingly heartbreaking. No one ever suspected Tahani of being a secret rogue anything.

I'm surprised how many people in these threads stress motivation above all else. I'd rather a neighbor like Tahani, who tries to make everything better even if out of insecurity and a desire to be liked, than one like Jason who will forever be astonished at the easily-foreseen destructive consequences of his actions.

I remember one FF couple from such an early scene, and the garbage guys are clearly presented as a couple. If "soul mates" is meant to be romantic, then the proof that various straight couples are romantic is to see them stand or sit next to each other, which is hardly white hot pda.

This is what happens when The Great British Baking Show leaves the BBC. And loses 3/4 of its staff.

At the time, there was a loophole in the tax laws that let you write off business losses as personal losses. (One put in accidentally through poor wording; it was closed in 2002 with a vote from then-Senator Clinton.) So quite possibly his real estate investments lost a bundle and went bankrupt, his investors were out