Cinnamon Owl

The O'Reilly Factor came out with a jaw-droppingly tone deaf "ha ha Asians are dumb" video just in time for a poll showed them going hard for the Not Republican side. Almost like these might stem from the same pool of white power ideology.

Except the word "Nevada."

Part of me worries that we are getting our hopes of an epic implosion too high, and he will for once be unpredictable.

Were Pence and Kaine running against each other for a Senate seat, Pence would have won because smooth beats hyper. I mean, Kaine kept switching the topic to some guy who wasn't in the room, or running for the office they both want.

I think he fled because he and Pup were just going to very slowly freeze before starving. Kaya's family was going to starve before they froze. By pooling resources from the two locations, maybe they can avoid both.

The Clinton camp promptly came out with an ad hitting the following beat over and over:
Kaine quotes Trump
Pence denies Trump ever said that
Tape of Trump saying that
End with Pence long sad head shake.

And vice versa. A state that's 60-40 blue has a ton of conservatives—2 out of every 5 people. The minority in a blue or red state is "almost half" rather than "less than 10%."

And she has to smile enough, but not too much.

I give credit to Fox in the primary debates for having a giant screen of the candidate saying stuff, thereby removing the "I never said that" defense.

So how did you feel about WikiLeaks being careful to scrub anything about payoffs to Russia in their bold truth-telling about Syria?…

Alex Jones performed a rap song in rage. You can't say nothing came of it.

Bit of an emerging theme: To quote Trump is to drag the discussion into the gutter, how awful of Democrats.

Worth reminding everyone that Trump has to be allowed to do some stuff as president before anyone can impeach him. You can only be impeached for acts you undertake as pres or veep.

The most devastating shot in a veep debate was "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy." A defining moment that stuck. And yet Quayle went on to be veep, and Bentson did not.

"Pence lays the groundwork for Pence 2020, Kaine over-caffeinated" seems to be the takeaway.

On 538's podcast earlier this week, Harry Enten (I think) revealed that in college he had written a 15-page paper about the effect of the veep debates on the election. (There isn't one.) Also that you can bump up your page count by using a bigger font for your periods.

I have developed a deep sympathy for poor Jeb!, who kept getting in trouble for how this thing he said taken out of context maybe could be seen as wishy-washy, and how could he defend that weakness?

Do he and Chris Christie fight it out in a cage match just before Thanksgiving?

Fiduciary: you don't have a fiduciary obligation to yourself. As with the blind trust run by his children, this is like saying that it's a warm cold day.

I've developed some sympathy for Ivanka, as every Trumpite in and out of her family promoting her as veep mentioned her attractiveness as her first veep-like quality.