Cinnamon Owl

I don't think anyone should count on promises Donald made for 30 seconds after he takes the oath of office. Not Pence on how much stuff Pence gets to run; not nervous Republicans who hope his list of Supreme Court nominees is in some way binding.

He was the head of the drug cartel in S2. He had a "come to Warren" moment when disappearing under a wave of zombies at the end of last season.

Citizen Z: I like this plot arc. Nice reminder that solitary confinement is a universal punishment; Kaya is a well-drawn character after only a few scenes. The dog lives! This one I'm really intrigued to see where it goes—Uncle's sea plane plus the one that crashed, hybriding into a way off the Arctic Circle?

He probably didn't think "I have no idea with the chicken soup; I wanted wings served by a topless waitress" would fly as an answer.

You know what would be good? After losing here Trump goes to Russia and becomes an oligarch, eventually fighting Putin for power.

Even when her hair just barely cascades in ripples to her waist?

The amount of disaster you could sail into because you assume the person labeled "captain" must know what he's doing is pretty unlimited.

Patricia's raging intense TV-chef persona tied to cheerful affirmation was one of the highlights of the episode for me.

I think it comes from a very human response to:
Michael: "Congratulations! You are one of the most moral and wonderful people to walk the globe in your lifetime. If you aren't, you go to eternal damnation." *huge smile*
Saved person: "… Yup, that's me. I definitely fit into the not eternal damnation group."

The fact that the kindest, most compassionate people in the world opted for flying lessons over joining together to clean up the neighborhood probably offers a clue there.

My husband (whose name is a lot more common than Shellstrop) got into an email argument with someone about whether or not he was joking about not coming to do the church lights 1000 miles from where we live.

I absolutely see Janet react to the 12,345th request for something by seizing a knife and going full-on psycho shower scene through the neighborhood. Maybe 2/3 of the way through Season 1.

The construction of rapist/anti-vaxxer/libertarian is meant to match "a rabbi, priest, and imam walk into a bar…"

It could be Iowa. Start a twitter rumor that Iowa mocked the size of his hands and is a sanctuary state.

The man's platform is a pony for everyone, improved dental hygiene awareness, and zombie apocalypse preparedness.

Fwiw, my daughter is 20, voted for Sanders, and considers voting for Clinton as "the not insane one" obvious.

I think it's a reference to Trump, who is being sued by someone making the claim of being recruited to 'model' at a bus station and winding up at the parties thrown by his creepy friend. (Who is in jail for such activities; that part's documented.)

Interesting polling from PPP today: in polling swing states (Clinton has single digit leads) they asked if the respondent would prefer Obama or Trump as president. And she's doing tied-to-almost-as-well as that incumbent with good approval ratings, the man widely considered an excellent candidate by both parties.

It's so weird that this is a sarcastic statement one can make about the guy running a close second for president, rather than say Alex Jones.

Yeah, actual Bernie Sanders seems to be an inconvenience for them.