Cinnamon Owl

Conspiracy Theory Corner:

He would be tragic, his demise sorrowful to watch because the faults bringing it about were so clear yet he couldn't change them. Like in the week after the Democratic convention, carefully taking aim and shooting himself in various limbs.

I see the logic of "one slip, regretted, kept to oneself." So often the letters come down to "I feel really awful; if I tell my partner then they will feel really awful instead, while I get to feel good about my brave honesty and complain about how long they're taking to get over it." It's where I argue that shame and

When I got my ferocious snorkeling sunburn (back of the legs, so sitting was tough; it's when I experimented with my own version of the burkini) I took enough ibuprofin to start throwing up. If you're barfing it up, it's not helping you.

Johnson has more newspaper endorsements than Trump.

Now, now. I'm sure the Republicans who have shown neither the ability nor the willingness to try to rein Trump in before now will undergo a complete 180 and stand boldly in his path once he has real power. Trump will come out and announce that he's defaulting on bonds and leaving NATO, and Ryan and McConnell will

I saw someone comment that they had liked Trump and wanted to vote for him ever since an interview in which he explained that his fellow rich guys didn't like him, but all the regular people working for him loved him, and this voter loved that about him. His peers won't pretend to like him, but people whose lives he

The sheer brazenness of the double standard has become ridiculous—When Clinton does X it's a Grand Crime; when Republicans do the exact same thing it's a sign that they're sooooo smart.

Politico had a bit about whether Trump's debate performance could be considered sexist, which they assigned to two men, who weren't sure. (Opinion of Republican ladies they asked: mixed.) Dudes…

I now have a picture of Hillary, in her solid red pantsuit, striding about her sub-volcanic lair. And Trump absolutely convinced that's what she's doing (even though he told the press "sleeping," being convinced the American public scorns sleeping) but unable to get anyone in his inner circle to write that into his

I'll go with Dred Scott, but it seems like there are probably lots of horrible ones that aren't as well known because they're dry and legal and hard to follow if you aren't trained in that arcane subbranch of law.

I think I would find Donald a lot more compelling and sympathetic as a fictional character.

I can't believe I'm giving this this much thought at all, because I'm with Dan on sex and food, but:
Several packets of butter stored in freezer. One packet (with 1-4 sticks) in fridge for baking and to replace counter butter. One stick on dish on counter for soft butter to spread on bread. How are they missing the

I dunno. It seems unlikely the moderators will agree to "yes sir, if you say so sir" everything Trump claims. Nor will they give Kellyann Conway the power to kill his mic and take over explaining what he really means to say here.

I continue to be perplexed that he seems to consider this a devastating game-ender for which she will be utterly unprepared.

What if it's all a plan to set himself up as the underdog for the Full On Wrestlemania of debate 2, when he'll attempt to go after Clinton like he did McMahon? Like back when he was starting out with a small loan of $14 million from his dad, and was an underdog.

"It's not a lie, because he had no idea about Holt's actual registration when he said that."

Never underestimate spite as a voter turnout motivator.

Priorities USA had one out at 3 AM. Starting with his claim about his temperament, followed by examples of it.

He would need to make the next debate about showing how he can hold his temper and not be baited into rash wackiness. And that is not how Trump reacts to a perceived attack—he must reestablish himself as the biggest bully in the room.