Cinnamon Owl

Those who monitor such stuff online say that islamists are giddy about Trump. Not only does he embody "America is at war with a billion people, including you, not just those who attack them," he would be super easy to goad into a land war in Asia.

That was on climate change. The polar ice caps endorse him.

I have a 15 year old son, so five years on Barron, who spent the debate having some sort of online car race with his friends. I should be in charge of the cyber.

"Infrastructure" aimed at Ohio et al should be "bridges, roads" not "Acela corridor airports, the only ones I can remember."

Haven't we already established that the stimulus should have been more spending, fewer tax cuts, and the reason it wasn't was Republican legislators only like tax cuts? How would he get them to reverse on what is supposedly their central tenet of governance?

Giuliani is already suggesting that he skip the future debates if the moderator is going to correct outright lies with facts. Moderators have no business stating things verified on tape if the candidate has decided those things never happened.

It's already an ad.

He needs the debates to be under 30 minutes. Like the Gennifer Flowers thing—he tosses this stuff out, Kellyann wrestles his phone away, and they manage to mostly quash the damage. If they gave her override of his mic during the next debate it might help, but that seems unlikely.

If "drink when he sniffs" is the game Oct 9th, emergency rooms will be overrun with alcohol poisoning.

Wait, then we might get Ryan Lochte. How about we pick from everyone appearing on The Price is Right last week?

There was a nifty term for this—The Falstaff Fallacy?—that one well-worded question will cause a public figure to say something utterly damning that wasn't already evident.

There's no chance that they open by asking Trump why he lied and claimed the NFL had sent him a letter, is there?

Re alternate reality Trump: That's why the Clinton body double rumors!!!! Like cheaters accuse everyone around them of cheating, seeing their own sins reflected everywhere.

Trump, meanwhile, should not leap into the audience and start biting people. If he can clear this high bar of presidential expectations…

We've opened the door to something dark and terrible, but maybe sunlight is what it needs to shrink it. Like any mildew. Because apparently ignoring them hasn't caused them to shrivel up and fade.

"The Dems have a really tough lineup of Senate seats to defend in 2018, but if we just elect Trump maybe he'll be so awful that they lose less badly!" is one of the most insane reasons to give Trump the nuclear codes that I've seen.

C gives me some hope for the next month. Along with various newspapers saying "you know we've endorsed the Republican candidate for the past 100 years, but this one is insane" maybe the media will start to say "You know, we've never before had a president who personally owed hundreds of millions to Russia, while

Neal Stephenson's Anathem features a group of monk-like recluses who emerge every year, ten years, hundred years, or thousand years. Just before one-such gate-opening to check on the secular world outside, one notes that a culture marked by conspiracy theories is the most dangerous one to find outside, because there's

I usually follow commentary somewhere. I turned on the one debate where Nate Silver speculated that after a kinda crazy week maybe Trump would just be sedate and unexciting, and Trump marched out and began talking about his penis. "Could they be serious, or is this sarcasm from bored staffers?" I thought, as I found