Cinnamon Owl

The Iraq War usually gets trotted out as the example of "okay, fine, maybe W and Gore weren't really indistinguishable." This week I was reminded of the Bush gutting of environmental regulations, operating on the theory "this nice CEO I know says this would be a good idea." And the Bush DoJ trying to get prosecutors

Politico tracked lies for the week, and came up with a ratio similar to the raisins. If Trump is talking, he's telling a bold falsehood about every 3 minutes.

I thought it was just for the late "oh shit" reveal. The others we immediately figure out, in a distance shot, that they're now drafted onto Team Murphy. 10K could be a somewhat groggy version of himself, until that bit where he tries to run and circles back.

Chinese Cambodian?

Pretty sure he and Red compared numbers of kills, with a discussion of what counts as "half." (Legless zombie, or rolling head?)

One of the top shows in Britain is Death in Paradise, in which pleasant people solve murders on a sunny island that enjoys weather completely unlike Britain's.

It does. Over shots of Hawaii playing itself. Definitely inspires one to don sunglasses and join someone on the beach.

Pretty sure she's from Laos. Not that I expect this to be terribly relevant going forward.

I continue to be glad they don't go for the cheaply expected kill the dog twist.

That's a good point. "Would you like to be in a hangout sitcom with a bunch of slim fashionable young people who eat frozen yogurt?" may not be a lot of people's idea of heaven.

The thing that was great on Burn Notice—arguably a worthier successor to the MacGyver ethos—was that at least for the first several seasons they really cared about the physical plausibility. Like, when Michael got into a fight with a linebacker, it was rough because the guy was just so large. Training or not—mass

Sepinwall had a good point about how remakes shouldn't be of classics. They should be of shows that had a good central idea iffily executed. (I'm looking at you, FlashForward.) No one was thinking "If only MacGyver was unbearably smug, this could be a fun show."

"It's becoming hot in the car. Strip off all your clothes if you want to live." You couldn't get the leads to, say, spill ink on themselves and thus remove their clothing? Have to blend in on a beach undercover? It's got to be the idea that if you're locked in a super-sauna, the most efficient use of time is to remove

I think 5-0 started as a fun-turn-your-brain-off exercise, and over the last season or two slid too often into "no, really, this makes no sense, my suspension of disbelief has crashed" territory. But the point at which any show does that will vary widely between viewers.

Though if you're trying to keep your deception a secret, a nonstop-talker soulmate isn't one you can confide in.

I think how much motive counts gets wildly overplayed of late in regular American life, and so the show ignoring motive for result is an interesting choice.

The Good Place got the yogurt shops, the Bad Place got roller coasters?

I would be really intrigued by a season two in which refugees from our little proto heaven explore/escape out beyond their neighborhood. Maybe the cartography bit was setting this up.

Soul mates don't boop soul mates.

I would think each nose booping would be –854.