Cinnamon Owl

The timing was really bizarre. "Men make women messy" as The Thomas Crown Affair put it—why does sex have to be a last-minute alternative to going out, rather than after they get back from dinner?

I do remember in 2008, when the far left cautioned that Obama couldn't do too much in his first couple of years because of all the blue dogs in congress. But in 2010 they would primary all of them out and put in the far left people, and the revolution would be here.

You realize some of us are old enough to remember 2008?

Based on the discussion on the Republican side, I think the top DNC people convene and choose someone. Kaine would have a strong claim because he was actually chosen by the assembled convention. Sanders came in second, Biden is popular with Dems and hasn't been running so comes in unattacked, Warren is popular and

You realize that "she has to reject the findings of our seven different investigations and instead go with the version of people who were not there" is not a standard that impresses anyone not in your bubble?

I do wonder how the libertarians would do with an inverted ticket. Massachusetts adored Weld, he has charisma, and he was just the sort of moderate Republican to appeal to… moderate Republicans, and all the independents who used to be moderate Republicans, and people who'd be happy to see such elected because they are

It's a genuine puzzle, because they aren't required to be so far behind. The Romney campaign even recognized the problem and tried to address it.. and failed spectacularly.

By a guy who didn't need to be sane enough to buy weapons on his own, he just needed to know a prepper…

Son of Unskewed Polls: He's Back!!

I think that's behind the high Obama approval, low direction of country poll numbers. One party nominated a fascist demagogue for the most powerful office in the world, of course that's the wrong track.

Technically he could have been advocating the murder of her judicial nominees.

The 50 Republican national security people who came out hard against Trump on Monday have to be doing some private high fives. "Yes! We didn't wait to see if he'd get any worse!"

"We have the most awesome super secret information, which we shall be releasing in October?"

It could also last because not that many people will say, I wasn't sure, but once he started calling for the murder of his opponent* I realized that this was a guy I could really get behind.

I sincerely thought they would spend 2009 divorcing the crazy limb of the party. As one conservative asking people not to turn Indie put it at the time, the people peeing on the sleeping bags—someone had to stay put and tell them not to pee on the sleeping bags!

He thinks defaulting on bonds would be a nifty idea, proof of how he can't lost on the economy. Because defaulting on agreements has worked well for him in business. (Not coincidentally, this is also what he's offering on foreign policy.)

"Bringing fact-checkers to a culture war" is slowly edging up there with "nested dumpster fires" as a theme.

Actual Trump rally sign: "Jesus Christ Died For You. Trump Lives For You."

In addition to the anti-immigrant thing disgusting people with a strong missionary tradition, they're a religious minority. They know what happens when fascists get into office, everything isn't instantly better, and they need to look for someone to blame.

Honestly, if they ran Reagan's corpse it would rubber-stamp all the stuff they hope Trump will, but not launch nukes or get into Twitter wars.