Cinnamon Owl

What, you expect the conspiracy to make a lick of sense?

I've realized this is where the Republicans lost me, far more than policy. It's tactics, and who they'll swim with to win. If you want Sarah Palin's people with the monkey dolls, and Trump's "Kill the Bitch" crew, I don't want to be associated with you. I won't vote for people whose defining policy is trying to hang

The Times broke with long precedent of not printing profanities and slurs, recognizing that "bleep you bleepers" or a sign saying "blur blur blur" didn't really convey a sense of what was happening.

Follow that up with the Republicans finally, finally divorcing the Tea Party and going back to being normal small-c conservatives.

If you look at voter identification over the past decade, D has held pretty steady while R fell and I rose. So the current mass of independents tilts more right than in the past, as the group contains a lot of people who fled the Republican party for either being too crazy, or not crazy enough.

Okay, this is sincere advice: Don't post links, except as very occasional "here is more information if you're curious" at the end of a substantive post. Make a narrow point, on topic, thoughtfully. And concisely, no need for readers to expand the post. Do not complain that people are not upvoting you or responding, as

The former head of the CIA came out hard for Clinton today (in the "she is sane and competent, her opponent is a thin-skinned reactive ignorant lunatic, so I endorse the former" sense) specifically on the grounds that Donald "Easy to Troll" Trump is being trolled by Putin via all the "Donald you are such a genius"

When your stated post-convention plans are to fund PACs bent on taking out Republicans who don't support you…

The only way to watch is online, or go to a bar that has a feed from Canada.

"I'm a dedicated viewer of The Great British Baking Show, why should I vote for you?"

To my surprise, I learned yesterday that she lives not far from me. (I'd been guessing California, not New England.) Which doesn't say much for how she's ushered in Green Party politicians at multiple levels of government. Or even minor posts in neighboring towns.

How come no one is polling Florida? Swing state, very big, and no recent polls. But Oklahoma gets polled.

The RNC does have rules about replacing a missing candidate.

The not-yet-endorsing stuff for McCain and Ryan is arguably a tactical move so that they can't unendorse him without looking petty and tit-for-tat, rather than taking a principled stand.

Worth reading the following on how the dysfunctional congress is a reflection of a sharply divided electorate—do-nothing Senators reflect a base who turn out to make it a safe __ seat, and who do not want them giving in to the enemy or they'll be taken out in the primary. The Senate isn't gerrymandered, yet the number

It is really worth reading the reaction from John Noonan, a conservative foreign policy analyst who worked for Jeb and Mitt and whose early military background is being the guy down in that silo with a key. Who needed to trust that if the call came, the president wasn't just really put out about a tweet.

If he's receiving it, he is not absorbing any advice about staying on message and not rambling off on self-congratulatory or conspiracy-ridden sideshoots that play into the "unhinged" story.

Some guy gave me Sympathy Eyes.

"Temperamentally unsuited to the presidency" is the attack that resonates; Dems are wise to do everything they can to keep him demonstrating it.

Technically I think that's Trump being extremely gullible—I think the vet did tell him that (on tape) when handing it over, then told reporters outside the opposite.