Cinnamon Owl

Tammy Duckworth hit him. "Temperamentally unsuited to the presidency" is definitely the spot that will draw blood.

No, she wouldn't. Rejecting allies for a lack of ideological purity is not how you build a coalition to get things done. In this case, not only defeat Trump but do it to such a crushing level that he can't mount any serious "I was robbed" campaign, and as a nation we can say "well we almost elected a fascist but

Trump: "But I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal. And if the economy was good, it was good. So, therefore, you can't lose."

Look, he is beating Kelly Ayotte in the polls! Beating her! How is he going to stay on top of that if he doesn't stop to watch the news?

Given that he suggested defaulting on bonds as the way to really grow the economy…

Says something horribly offensive that would have ended any other candidates campaign on the spot.

Literal winged monkeys.

The country won't suddenly be fixed on Day One. Ergo he will need to find a group to scapegoat. Once they've been rounded up, still problems, so he'll need another group…

You do not know that Trump isn't pushing the button. There is absolutely nothing to stop him from doing so. "Easily goaded" is practically his campaign slogan. I'll grant he won't nuke any building with his name on it, but that doesn't describe the entire world. Not to mention that he can send troops wherever he damn

"He'll bluster and blow…"

Josh Marshall has been using the politics-of-dominance model to analyze Trump's wacked out behavior: Trump needs to be the dominant one in the room. If he feels slighted, he attacks, no matter how irrational this attack looks to anyone with a modicum of long-range planning skills. If the attack fails, he doubles and

The cat videos are coming from inside the house!

I think God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability." -Wilde

"Maybe this is a joke…" people think, watching the news. Like, he's trying to take Stephen Colbert's schtick.

Paraphrasing, "When I am president, there will be no fire codes! That's how great we'll be!"

I've observed this before, destruction is easier. Needs far fewer people cooperating with your agenda.

He worked for Yanokovych, recently-rousted pro-Russian head of Ukraine. Possibly the route for all the "genius" remarks Trump keeps citing, when Putin's public statements are more like "certainly a colorful character."

His attacks on the NYTimes, too. It doesn't write good about him.

I mean civil disobedience, not violence, but it will be a bloodbath.

As someone who had a bone spur removed from one shoulder, I want to note that I have absolutely no problem remembering which shoulder it was.