Cinnamon Owl

I learned about Ernst Thalman the other day. (Leader of the German Communist party, and presidential candidate in 1932.) Focused like a laser on the real threat to society of the center left—Social Democrats—and arguing repeatedly that they were exactly like the Nazis. (Actual literal Nazis.) In 1933, they got to try

*sniff* My son is the same age as Sasha, and when Obama was first elected his concern was the apparent lack of playground equipment at the White House. And I was able to assure him that they had just bought the same type of climber that we owned, so things were good!

Literally Trump spent last night explaining that he's going to walk right out of NATO, which will cause the other countries to give us a bunch of money.

Like Trump, they saw it somewhere. You can't put stuff on Twitter if it isn't true.

The party is in a terrible place and the way it's headed there does not look to be enough momentum to drive the candidate across the finish line.

Hate trumps all when the alternative is a divisive "lesser evil" that the good cannot all get behind.

Booing is easier than working to elect progressive state senators in off year elections, I suppose.

On polling accuracy:

To quote Sarah Vowell, less evil is better than more evil. This is not supposed to be a difficult calculation.

Don't forget that Trump was hitting up the Parliaments of the UK, Iceland, and Australia for cash.

Poe's Law.

There should be a part where you see a plane, and decide it's the Mexicans invading.

I honestly find it deeply depressing that liberals haven't figured out how to get their people to turn out in the 3 out of 4 years that are not presidential elections. (If I knew the key, I would tell people.)

If we're hindsighting his campaign, he should have fought in the South. It's like Obama needing to do very well in Iowa in 2008—establishing that Bernie could do well in very white blue states wasn't going to be enough.

Ha! That is a fact! Facts have a known liberal bias!

She's been off the speaking roster since yesterday. And as a straight-up logistical question, "When should we look to hire a new executive? How about tomorrow, as our convention starts? That's a quiet time, right?"

Okay, I went to WaPo and read their story on the most damaging things in the leaked emails. Besides someone suggesting pushing Sanders' supposed lack of faith (which: shitty, but not criminal) what we have is that by around May (when anyone capable of basic mathematical functions knew it was done, like it had been

It can be… three things. Four with Arizona.