Cinnamon Owl

Some months back, I thought "pivoting for the general" could be a thing, leaving all the tape of crazy from way back.

Also, how hard was "Saint Anne?" Is the mother of Mary really an obscure factoid? (As someone who went blank of the first 2, but knew the last 2 straight off.)

Both are personally pro-life Catholics who support pro-choice as the separation of church and state, respecting the rule of law and the right of other people to make a decision privately.

Virginia math:
It is a swing state trending blue, that currently leans light blue in polls. The veep raises the vote in their home state 2 pts on average, though that's been 3-8 in the last few elections. Let's call it 3, conservatively. (Kaine is quite popular in Virginia.) Going from 40 to 43 won't help, from 60 to

I noticed that Kaine is already flipped to against TPP. I don't know if he had come out on that before the post, but it's what he's campaigning on now.

Nonetheless, I support a rout.

I think the outraged people are failing to distinguish an actual (much less effective) conspiracy from having an opinion as to which candidates you find really annoying. If you released a bunch of RNC emails that said things like "Not a fan of Trump" and "That thing he said last night was wrong, should we call CNN and

If a reporter is looking for the traditional August Scandal, Trump-Putin is honestly starting to look like a good spot to investigate.

Goddammit, more evidence of the vast pro-Clinton lean of math!

I did hear those complaints. I just thought they were silly.

They released the SS #s and CC #s of people who dared to have contact with the DNC, though. Because scorching their financial lives is important public information…

I saw the catchy headlines, but the example they gave was:
Staffer: Should I call CNN and explain that Bernie can't actually fire the head of the DNC and put in his own person when he becomes president?
DWS: Don't bother, he isn't going to be president.

Locking up the political opposition is totally not a thing fascists always do.

You may not like her, but you probably don't think she's in league with Satan.

Or if someone follows through on Trump's idea to default on bonds.

I wish we could retire the term "fiscal conservative" because its modern meaning is "cut taxes, raise spending, say 'conservative' three times fast.'


But he turns it into a weird anti-monogamy thing. Again.

1. It makes a difference but obviously is not enough, or we would be looking at nominee Jeb!!! and Trump would be a footnote.

Apparently Fox almost gave itself an aneurysm trying to blame it on her time as Sec of State if it was bad, unless it was good, in which case it happened despite her. Unless it was bad…