Cinnamon Owl

Umm, people should check out the Trump-Pence logo. Sure to be very short-lived.

Trump suggested that we default on US bonds because that would be great for the economy. Yes, he then was made to walk it back, but the words should never have left the mouth of any remotely serious candidate. He truly does think being president and running a heavily leveraged casino financed with other people's money

I assume Ivanka and Manafort have taken to heart how his "first let's talk about how this affects me" response to the Orlando attack bombed, and are going for a veneer of modesty and seriousness.

As awful (and hilariously hypocritical) as Davis was , I give her a great deal of credit for moving the arrow of public opinion on whether government employees could refuse to issue marriage licenses. Right after the court decision a majority in polls were okay with clerks doing that, and she put a face on it and

Bringing his wife to meet Trump's family was one of the best moments of his life.

Appointing people to offices is actually a thing a president does. (Unlike controlling the economy with their mind, or drafting legislation.) So the choice rightly gets a lot of scrutiny, leading to this weird threading of a needle where there is no brilliant choice because it's veep—there is no personification of

One of the things I find most frustrating of late (on both sides of the aisle) is that someone will say something that makes sense, and when someone on the other side tries to agree with them their own people jump all over them for not pivoting to a completely unrelated issue and complaining about the first person's

Also too:

It's a TV show rather than movie, but FlashForward. (At precisely 11 a.m. one day, everyone on Earth loses consciousness for a few minutes and sees themselves in the same few minutes from the future.) Such an intriguing concept, simultaneously simple to explain yet offering a host of philosophical questions and

Even though my youngest is in high school, my mind has decided to retain the location of Goldbug on every single spread of Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. I can only hope that I eventually have grandchildren and get to apply this knowledge again.

Senator Tim Scott, R SC, gave a very moving address on just how often he's been stopped for driving while black. (So far this year 5 times, plus twice when he was technically speeding.) He has been called on three separate occasions by the police to apologize for pulling him over (because he was wearing the pin that

My college-age daughter explained that those of her friends who went to Catholic high schools invariably had good science educations. The one in a public high school where the school board decided No Evolution got screwed.

Maybe it's a strategy? Like "Okay last year we had (insert crazy plank) and it didn't work, so 2020 we're doing something different." Loading all the rats they want to immolate onto Trump's ship while he isn't looking, intending to set it all on fire as soon as they're far enough from the dock.

This is something that comes up from time to time at 538—someone asks why they can't have an equal number of right-leaning hard stats analysts, and people have to explain that those don't tend to go together. (See any number of "our tech sector expanded, good for the economy, but all these new people tend to vote D so

A few years back, didn't prominent proponents of gay conversion therapy decide that it was horrendous, ineffective, and damaging, and renounce it? I'm sure I remember that.

They can look up those answers on the internet now. So we get "Dan, is there any chance my ex will take me back?" and "Dan, do I really have to bother with condoms when they might be inconvenient?" letters, because everyone will always be convinced that they are probably an exception due to special circumstances.

With cheating it seems to be the dishonesty and lying that really does things in. Sort of like "it's not the crime, it's the cover-up." If someone views you as an inconvenience to be managed by telling you whatever they think will keep you gullible, that pretty much wipes out trust. Who wants to have a decades' long


The primaries alone destroyed Poe's Law.

I loved Donna. The only companion to really have zero romance/sexual chemistry going on, but wanted to bang about the galaxy and have adventures and save people.