
Japanese air is quite clean. They wear masks when they themselves get sick, to protect others from germs.

I don’t think so. If you present yourself as a gun advocate, it’s clearly a notable thing if you pick up a gun for a TV spot, then proceed to handle it like a total amateur.

Yes? I get a salary from Gizmodo to post pretty much whatever I want.

“Yeah, see, here’s your problem: these teams fucking suck.”

Did it occur to you it is less about “offending” someone and more about not pushing relatively recent customs of what determines a “boy toy” and a “girl toy”?

It’s a step forward as a society that we’ve needed to take for a long time. There is no reason why cars are boy toys and dolls are girl toys. It’s unnecessary to label them at all, and it really limits the stores ability to plan floor space when they have to force full aisles of boys/girls toys as opposed to combining

I love Sav-Mor’s signage so much - I live nearby and it is always good for a chuckle.

“Holidays mean family. We sell liquor.”

“Kids back in school. We can help you celebrate.”

they’re bored, not psychopaths.

Because literally the ENTIRE POINT of human caused climate change is HOW FAST we’re speeding this up. WHY CAN’T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING SKULL?

Wrong answer.

That’s why flat screen TV’s have anchors too! Use them if you’ve got children around!

That you actually believe I’m part of some massive conspiracy is just sad. I am literally sitting in my apartment with my cats blogging about environmental science because it happens to be a subject that deeply interests me.

Yeah, it’s not really the planet we’re trying to save, it’s us.
And protecting the rainforests, the seas, different species and ecosystems is not really about saving the cuddly animals, it’s our life-support system that we try to preserve.

How have they been so bad for our tax code?

Over the last few years, 4K televisions have proliferated and come down in price, but one key missing piece of the puzzle has been content.