
Good for him.

Hi Kerry, this was fun but I'm banning you now. You're welcome to continue your saga on your own personal Kinja.

In most Asian countries, when people are sick or think they may be sick, they wear mouth covers to keep others from catching it. That's what I have heard, at least.

Hey I remember you from a couple days ago when you tried to shoehorn awkward "liberal trolling" into another conversation! As I said before, you need to work on your technique. Sarah Palin is the wrong role model, people just laughed at her. Try Ann Coulter instead. Hope that helps and good luck with the trolling,

Annnnddd his website crash due to high traffic.

Or it can change its radius of gyration "k" on the fly with a few internal moving parts.

Forget Antarctica. Visit Australia and drive to the middle of the outback where there is zero light pollution. Then spend the night staring up at the stars like you have never been able to see them before.

I don't think you're being entirely honest here...

I dropped mine from about 25 feet onto a gym floor. Not a scratch.

pissing you off is fine justification for me.

not sure why one would want to speed up into something coming right at them

Until you realize they were there in your pants the whole time!

I wonder if in like 10 years we look back at this interview and laugh at the fact we are making fun of this technology.

You've clearly never used one or been around someone who has. otherwise you'd be like "why the hell are people so worried about this thing that literally makes my eyes glow when I use it for ANYTHING and misinterprets me half the time only to die 5 minutes later". It really isn't as functional or scary as people

Look, I'm not an idiot, I know what it is. You wrote something humorous, I played along.


There's no way that would be an effective ping pong ball. It's just a ball-shaped lattice the size and color of a ping pong ball.

Yeah, my 6 potted garden is loving the boston weather right now...tha gardenia finally bloomed, good stuff!