
Thought it was clear, but guess the “sarcastic” emoticon really was necessary after all :-)

That car is butt ugly...

Yeah... because it is really hard to find someone phone number. It is not like there are databases online where someone can pay a fee and get a phone number from a name.

Trump IS drawing all the racists and morons together... so there is that. It is easier to take out the trash if all the garbage are in one place.

Would that be Trump supporters with chainsaws?

Gun are just fine though, because people kill people.... so at least there’s that.

We are not into conspiracy theories... but this is “so convenient” for all the “rich, powerful, and famous” who were and potentially could be accused if Epstein decided to “cooperate” for leniency... or even “no jail time.”

We are not into conspiracy theories... but this is “suicide” is so convenient for all the “rich, powerful, and famous” who were and potentially could be accused if Epstein decided to “cooperate” for leniency... or even “no jail time.”

Give that kid a bat and let him go at the guy until he is satisfied... what a fucking cunt.

Not all species are worth saving... maybe humans have had their go. Perhaps it is time for dolphins and other ocean dwelling mammals to have their world back.

Trump is as dumb as a tree stump... fuck him and his supporters with a chainsaw.

Fuck Trump and his supporters with a chainsaw...

They “want” to read, but it’s so hard... so many words...

Near Earth Asteroids... “We are right behind you, just in case.”

Trump and his white-privileged supporters... what a vat of mother-fuckers.

What a little punk ass bitch... let’s hope his poor choice in hats follows him for the rest of his life.

He gets paid to be an apologist for the NFL... cannot wait until the day that Brady/Belichick combo is done so we can stop rooting for the Patriots and spend all our time watching another corruptly run sport like soccer!!!

Fuck Graham with a chainsaw...

“...making an effort to understand how these people’s brains work...” Why? They are fucked in the brain and they don’t work.

Vote the fucker out of office and drive the white power cockroaches back under the floor tiles where they belong...then spray them with Raid.