
Fuck that guy... glad he got “resigned”.

“It will be interesting to see how the citizens of D.C. and others respond to his rally.”

How COMPLETELY opposite of the Trump Administration... where “shit” and “fan” are never far from each other.

This is the moment when the stars on our flag are slowing being replaced by swastikas...

This is the moment when the stars on our flag are slowing being replaced by swastikas...

This is the moment when the stars on our flag are slowing being replaced by swastikas...

This is the moment when the stars on our flag are slowing being replaced by swastikas...

Time to put her in a fucking cage....

Is she stepping down to run for POTUS??? Because apparently that is next for grifters who has perfected their scams...

Well...sooner or later, there is always the use of force against oppressive “rule of law.” Because there will ALWAYS be more poor people than rich people...

We stand by our hope that humans NEVER solve the mortality “problem” because it is the ONLY sure thing that fuckers like Sir GoFuckYourself and Trump will eventually go “dust to dust”... and the sooner the better. Mostly so we can dance on their graves and speak ill of the dead.

If you are doing less drugs AND having less sex... what the fuck else is there to do BUT bully the crap out of everyone??? Haven’t we learned ANYTHING from Trump???

Hey... at least you didn’t have a rogue thunderstorm blow half a dozen lawn chairs onto the side of the car...

I am not arguing that, but was it better before Reagan? I grew up in the 70's and didn’t really felt that it was any better... Oil Crisis, etc.

Did you mean Reagan? Stats?

“... virtually impossible for a minimum wage worker to afford a fairly priced two-bedroom apartment in any state in the country...”

North Korea, Russia, and the USA.... the new Axis of Evil???

What the fuck is good about have “autopilot” if you always have to be on alert? It is like you just signed up to be the eternal Driver’s Ed teacher...

Why... is there a job for liars opening up in North Korea???