
More guns and a basket of thoughts and prayers should fucking help....

Oh that is just AWESOME!!!

Let’s hope this fucker dies in prison.

It is because idiots that we can’t have nice things...

Right now they are looking like the Kodak of the motorcycle world. Maybe Harley can survive long enough for its brand to be cool again... like Tony Bennett.

The “Cape Cod of the South Shore”... Wollaston Beach in Quincy!!!

Get the fuck off my lawn...

What an awesome response to that bitch!!!!

Stupid cunt.

“... it shockingly discovered that there was “no evidence” that anyone in leadership positions at the network had any knowledge of such complaints....”

Would you expect the cops NOT to show up when called? What exactly should have been the cops’ response to this situation?

Cunts like him was why a letter of reference attesting to one’s character was traditionally required before a student would be accepted and be taught the martial arts...clearly that was “way back when.” But then, any fucktard can now get a gun... so yay.

“Disastrous” and “Performance,”words which really shouldn’t ever be associated with the White House, is somehow a daily occurrence with this administration.

There is absolutely nothing to be sympathetic about with that woman...

A bigger cunt than Hannity is Trump... and not just because there is a lot of him to grab.

We are going with a deliberate and controlled “leak.” For whatever reason, Trump’s legal side is thinking that tying the payment to Trump is less/not illegal/less problematic than if Trump lies under oath.

Hey... maybe Trump will do the world a favor and drop dead. We are really looking forward to speaking ill of him and dancing on his grave!!!!

Fuck the White House.

Some opinions are obviously fucking stupid...

Ignorance and stupidity carries a real price...