This is 8=slothware=/grift=D/.exe
This is 8=slothware=/grift=D/.exe
This is “Tell me you sank an ungodly amount of money into this “experience” without telling me” 101 right here.
What if their high functioning sociopaths? *Sherlock theme intensifies*
While the guy’s conduct is a completely assholish, if the buffet’s namesake “All you can eat” isn’t your true intent, then simply don’t y’know... operate a buffet.
A whooooooole lotta useless words.
Lmaoooo that monkey was like: “when in rome, amirite fellas?”
Now wait just a daaaaaaamn minute... This, regardless of how sincere of an attempt at an apology this tries to be (spoiler alert, it isn’ta apology but corporate speak) the fact that they’ve become such an inflated version of their former selves, because of GTA V raking in literal billions, makes them not care…
Is that you saying he’s got a big dick ooooooooooooooooooor... That he’s got the personality of a doorknob?
Calling it, some furry is already looking to add a strap on to be mercilessly fucked by this plush. forget the dildo in the shower, now its gonna be the lucario peen pinner XL.
snippet tool is your friend in that case, just saying...
That’s not a good comparison at all just on the sole fact that y’know... your copy is literally just something you print as opposed to a actual handmade masterpiece. If your gonna compare things, make sure it isn’t apples to oranges, but apples to apples.
I do not own a single NFT or piece of Crypto. I would highly advise not spending large amounts of money on any NFT right now. EVER.
Did you expect an article on Kotaku of all places to write an article that DIDN’T fit their narrative? It’s been like that 99.9% of the time in recent years.
Seeing Shaggy power up with actual SSJ flame aura was enough to sell me on this game. I cannot wait to play it. Also, the simple fact they got voice acting is enough to finish killing Nickstars battle or whatever its called.
Barry Loudermilk sounds like a pornstar name. lol
For those unaware, this is what we call in the industry, ignorant as fuck. He knew exactly what the video was depicting and promoted it everywhere saying: “this is amazing and I wish it were real”. That’s not self censoring... That’s getting caught, chewed out, and still choosing a very bad hill to die on after recent…
It’s about daaaaaaaaaaaamn time this national treasure got her recognition in spades. I’m absolutely ecstatic! It remains one of my favorite songs of that era alongside Juggler, 52nd Street, Magic Ways, amongst many others!
Pretty much, I’m flabbergasted at the notion fans expected the contrary. definitely foolish to do on the consumer’s part if anything.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who read it that way.
Uhhhh *taps mic* I’ll take ANY & all gossip sites (like Jezebel) for 500, Alex.