The Kuznetsov probably does that well.
The Kuznetsov probably does that well.
You just admitted to trolling us all.
It’s probably got one of those really tiny steering wheels, too, doesn’t it?
The video was probably secretly funded by Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
Don’t knock Macross, man!! Everyone knows it’s had a bigger impact on weapons systems design than even Star Wars!!
All. Too. EASY.
Oh, but you are!
Oh, now you’re white-knighting OGLOCC? ROFL!
Good, good!! I can feel your anger! Let your butthurt flow ....
LOL LOL ...!!
Man, is your wiener really that small that you feel like you have to compensate in everything else? What happened, didn’t get enough hugs as a kid?
I don’t know. Jacking off all day can’t be good for you. You gotta do other things, like take a shower, read a book, do your laundry.
Which part about ‘sitting on their hands’ don’t you understand? They don’t need to take sides. They can just bring out the popcorn and watch. And in doing so, give China the advantage.
Who knows, man. That’s where much of future war will be waged nowadays though, right? In cyberspace, the virtual world.
Shared economies means shared interests. Read “Ghost Fleet” yet?
I remember nearly shitting my pants first time I saw these in Cali from rockets taking off from Vandenburg AFB. To this day, the sight of these over here stops traffic and makes people gawk and point.
LOL why are you really on Kinja to actually read the NEWS and gather FACTS?
Panda Express. Kung-pao chicken.
Thus sayeth the gullible. You probably believe everything you read on the net.