Whatever helps you fap to those pictures of the F-35 and your grandma. Not gonna waste time belaboring facts with stupid twats like you.
Whatever helps you fap to those pictures of the F-35 and your grandma. Not gonna waste time belaboring facts with stupid twats like you.
Yeah make sure to let the Jalopnik writers on here know that you think they’re all wrong about the Harrier and the Falklands.
Harriers - zero losses.
In the Gulf Wars, roughly about 10% of our air to air missiles hit their targets. This was against Iraqi fighters —— outnumbered, outclassed, poor to no ACM training, no ECM’s, no AWACS or GCI. And yet only 1 out of 10 A2A missiles locked on and completed.
Don’t be so GoMurrica-Smug.
How did BVR even enter the picture here? You’re begging the question. It’s not about that at all. Nor is about training and ‘conditioning of assets.’ It’s about the tactical advantages of maneuverability —- which you seem deadset on denying, no matter the evidence.
It’s possible.
Again, I keep telling people - how did twenty (20) formidable Argentinian Mirage III’s get owned by slow but agile Sea Harriers during the Falklands War? (The Israelis had use the Mirage III quite well in the middle east; it was definitely top of the line during its day).
Yeah, it is.
Yeah for them to throw that huge jet around as if it were “Fast & Furious 9”, right?
I always think of the Falklands War —- and how those slow but agile little British Sea Harriers made mincemeat of those super-fast and sleek Argentinian Dassault Mirage III’s.
Key word is “designed.” As in, in theory. Or on paper. Or in those video games you love to play so much. The B-2 hasn’t been flown against frontline Russian SAM systems. In the Kosovo War, Neva S-125 SAM missiles took down NATO F-16’s, heavily damaged a B-52 —- and brought down the F-117 Nighthawk.
(Charging up the .50 cal) Just call out where the Greenies are. Gonna give them something to have an emission about ....
And unlike the F-35, the space shuttle got shit-canned for not delivering in terms of reliability and budgets.
Typical armchair warrior to think materiel and shit are more important in war than soldiers. End of the day, it’s the man who wins the fight, not the gun. Russia fought for something that the U.S. has never experienced: the defense of country from invaders. It’s also the reason why Russia has history on its side to…
Why is that any surprise? How many of you knew that Oshkosh is led mostly by former U.S. military officers and senior Pentagon staff?
Is your defining ambition in life really to prove you’re mentally disabled and thus deserve to park your purple 1997 Toyota Camry in those blue handicapped parking spaces?
She enjoyed being with me, she told me. Sort of reminded her of you, she said, except for my much larger johnson and I did none of the rough stuff. She said I was an “F-22” while you were an “F-111,” (given your knack for flaming farts and all).
Great! I’m gonna spend it all on your sister, you know. Get her off the corner for an hour or two.
Yes, doing NOTHING will help. Who says we needed to “help” anyway? Our sense of geopolitical morality? Non-existent. Our perception of our own vital national interests? Of course. Our overwhelming hubris as a nation? Absolutely.