Were you getting a lobotomy when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? When we supported the chaos in Libya, and still support the chaos in Syria?
Were you getting a lobotomy when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? When we supported the chaos in Libya, and still support the chaos in Syria?
Oh fer crying out loud, it’s well documented that Saakashvili was a blow-hard, an anxiety-ridden spaz and totally effete dolt that even the State Department was deeply embarrassed to be associated with.
AGAIN, SO WHAT? Did you even finish high school or at least get a G.E.D.? Who the heck sounds like they get their geopolitical perspectives from a video game? “Trusted neighbor?” “Respect others freewill?” I’d call you stupid but the word ‘stupid’ would be insulted.
I agree. I actually regard them as glorified “job programs” or “military industrial complex cash cows,” rather than actual viable weapons systems.
Yeah, because the age of the British empire has long since passed. They simply don’t need a large military, or navy for that matter.
Kind of makes one wonder —- are all modern warships EMP-proof? What with all the computers and software running them, like they do modern cars nowadays, what happens if there’s a software malfunction, or if the entire warship’s electrical grid goes on the fritz? Driving a massive warship with what looks like a toy…
And? So fucking WHAT? Are you saying we should have a SAY or VOTE in what people in that region of the world do? Let em have it. Let em work it out, or if not, let em kill each other. Unless you’ve gone to war for your country and taken a bullet or given one, you’re never going to understand the ethos of “Why and how…
For the sake of discussion you’re correct (and you’re NOT, you uneducated smegma), what gives US the RIGHT to have a say in all that? SO WHAT? WHO THE FUCK said we should have a VOTE on what goes on over there? If either Canada or Mexico wanted to join the Russian Federation tomorrow —- would we take that idly and do…
And you actually believe the U.S. State Department horse shit about Ukraine? Ukraine —- not just Crimea —- is predominantly pro-Russian. I know it doesn’t go well with the Kool-Aid you’re addicted to, but that’s what non-video-game reality looks like.
Exactly. Purely symbolic and pure politics, though all the video game fanboys here are eating it all up.
Tbis is interesting. Just did a search for “Japan explosion” in CNN.
Would you be surprised if I said they’re ALREADY there in Japan? NoKor infiltrators are most likely already living in Japan, and probably have been for a while.
The possibility of NoKor saboteurs isn’t an insane conspiracy theory —- it’s certainly within the realm of reasonable scenarios, given tensions right now in the Korean peninsula. North Korea knows that Japan has always played the role of the main operating base for U.S. military forces in the far east.
Yeah heard about it via Twitter, too. None of the major news outlets outside of Fox has reported on it yet.
Yeah, I have to admit - after that marathon with your wife and daughter, I’m a little weak today.
I know! That’s why I actually prefer your wife and daughter!
Well, that makes you just like your mother then.
This is most likely Taiwanese. Probably deployed by commandos belonging to the highly secretive 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Taiwan knows that if China were ever going to attack them one day, the main force that will blockade the Taiwanese Straits will be the PLA Navy’s…
They can’t turn the music off. They were using Apple Music, and that P.O.S. now just wants to play what it wants.