
I’m trying to understand why you’re always so ANGRY when you write here. It’s like you take comments that don’t agree with yours really personally. It’s some sort of sign that you have not only a big ego, but clearly also a deep inferiority complex and really low self-esteem, as is typical of all people who are

They ARE using their brains. It’s the propaganda arm —- the mainstream media —- of the western military industrial complex that keeps drumming up visions of the big bad Russian bear, in order to justify public and government support for outlandish defense spending.

I think the country that created the AK-47 and whose space rockets we piggyback on can do a lot better than you imagine when it comes to missile technology. If the IDF takes Russian missile technology seriously enough to send a diplomatic mission to the Kremlin to ask them not to sell anything to the Iranians, then

Yeah you’re right about Africa, thanks for the reminder. I think very few people on here realize just how deep the Chinese are in the African continent nowadays. It’s all happening mostly under the radar, but it lends further credence to my assertion that the Chinese will do anything in their quest for more natural

First, do you have any idea as to how BIG China is? It isn’t going to be like taking on Iraq —- a air bombing or cruise missile campaign against China is going to have to not only go over huge distances, but there’s also just no way we could’ve mapped out and detected every silo, missile battery or airfield in the

No, the biggest threat to a carrier isn’t another carrier —- it’s a submarine. Our CBG’s would last one hour against the Chinese and their 60+ submarines (most of which are the super-quiet diesel-electric type).

And THAT’s what so scary about China. They have the cash reserves and the production capacity to outlast us and Russia in a war. Heck all they have to do by way of first-strike is cash in on all the U.S. T-bills they have, and it would be like a financial nuke in how it would disrupt our economy so much.

Intimidating to whom? Iran, because it has no nuclear weapons? Small Carribean countries? Stealth fighters and bombers against the likes of ISIS that doesn’t have an air force anyway?

We need to develop something like a naval or marine version of the IDF’s Trophy anti-RPG or anti-Kornet missile system.

Nah, I really think they’re scaling back because they’re building and deploying more of these.

That’s because upgrading existing weapons platforms doesn’t help companies like Lockheed Martin make more money this year than they did last year, and therefore they end up disappointing Wall St and the Goldman Sachs of the world.

The only weapons that intimidate nations into submission are NUCLEAR weapons.

Never mind. You’re right — it’s a Swiftship. The picture(s) I posted earlier made it look bigger because it was actually TWO Swiftships as another moved alongside the burning one to help. Here’s a photo of the two ships nose to nose.

Looks way bigger than a Swiftship patrol boat. The boat in the foreground must be at least 20-ft long. It’s closer to the camera, so the burning ship had to have been even larger than it looks.

The Iraqi army had to have had a good supply of Kornet AT missiles before. Given ISIS has a good track record of pillaging from the Iraqi army ... or is it the Iraqi army has a good track record of dropping their shit and running away from ISIS ...? .... Hmmm.

Tyler, it seems to be much larger than a Swiftship. I think it could possibly be one of the old Polcocny or Vydra-class Russian landing ships the Egyptian Navy has. Which would also make sense why ISIS would take it out, since the landing ship could have been used as a staging platform for Egyptian infantry or special

Too stupid to read wikipedia? I’m not the one asking someone to point out on a web page where the info is, when it’s right there. It’s even footnoted with a PDF report from the DOD.

Your not only extremely insecure and vain, but really have neither the grammar nor common sense to back it up. So you’re basically saying/not saying you went to DSSG? You’re obviously obfuscating and trying to sound like you did go to DSSG, when you really didn’t, because that would be incriminating yourself.

As long as Israel has nukes, countries like Iran are going to want their own.

Using your logic, if a country doesn’t spend enough to maintain its armed forces, then it must have a failing economy, on the brink of collapse, like Russia.