YEP. And one day, the China as it is today will implode from within.
YEP. And one day, the China as it is today will implode from within.
Love Rule # 16.
You DO realize it’s 2015, and not 1915, right? “Gunboat diplomacy” doesn’t exist any more. Talk about your impotent gestures. Also, don’t equate unarmed Russian surveillance “fishing trawlers” with a warship of the line that’s armed to the teeth.
Like a lot of gossip and propaganda, there probably IS a kernel of truth somewhere in this incident.
I know some sick whack job’s gonna be jerking off to that picture. So hot ......
What have you been smoking? The F-15 and F-16 have been in countless dogfights.
What is it about female military pilots and crew that makes them all so HOT??! Daaaymm.
Everything you said could be done in testing. The key principle in “battle-proven” is you have to actually FIGHT someone.
It’s just sheer sadism. Look it up on either LiveLeak or YT. There are videos of either or both ISIS and/or the FSA executing prisoners by shooting them at near pointblank rage with a Russian DShK heavy machine gun.
And that’s really the thing isn’t it? The South Korean armed forces could crush the NK military in a week. However, the truth is, North Korea has NOTHING that SoKor could want. Waging war on the hermit kingdom would be pointless.
By the time U.N. SC Res. 1973 was passed, the Libyan Air Force was in shambles. As a matter of fact, a top-ranking NATO general declared NATO could begin conducting air operations over Libya “... with impunity.” Air defense by Libya was so non-existent, no-one even bothered to conduct enemy air-defense suppression…
I really fail to see how a combat plane could be called, “battle-proven” when all its done is drop bombs on ground targets from a mile up. I mean, does ISIS have any Kashtan air defense systems? Any Stinger missiles? Did the Rafales have to fight through enemy planes to get to their targets? Did they execute some…
I can just imagine Michael Bay screaming when he read this.
LOL nailed it.
Assad, Sr., crushed the very same sort of people who've made Syria one of Dante's rings of hell right now.
Yawn ... even your responses are mediocre.
Larry Bird, Kevin Mchale, Michael Jordan, Kobe, Dwayne Wade, Shaq, even Lebron .... they were all assholes. They're in it to win it, not run for class president.
Hehehehe .... anyone even remember how Shaq tried to screw Steve Nash over some business deal?
Very interesting that you mentioned autism - I've wondered for a while now whether Kobe may actually be on the spectrum, as a High Functioning Autistic. His social awkwardness, aloofness, and his single-minded obsession and other-worldly intensity when it comes to basketball, they seem to be 'tells' to me of someone…