
"Competent air superiority fighter ...."

And that's the paradox and dysfunction currently reigning in the U.S. State department: the obsession on process over results.

Russian combat jet fighters were designed for harsh battlefield conditions. They aren't the delicate works of art that western jet fighters are. Russian combat jets are rough and tough, built like tanks, designed to operate from the steppes of Siberia to the grimy skies of Moscow.

Yes, there's something so sexy about the Mig-29.

I hope they investigate Post, indict him and bring him up on court martial. This sort of thing is indeed treasonous.

Hey, I can fly backwards, too. We weren't designed to just evade enemy fighters.

Not the same as it is now. Certainly, there are always parallels to be drawn between historical milieu, regardless of war. But, trying to compare today's economies with that of post-Industrial nations —- and an era when "Colony" still wasn't a bad word? Surely you must be joking.

Lose WHAT next battle? It's one thing to stay technologically ahead of your potential enemies. It's another to overextend into highly impractical defense industry job programs that really don't address reality.

I love seeing the exploding heads of so-called liberals on here .

The AC-130 has got to be the best weapons system to come out of the Vietnam war. I only wonder why we currently have only less than 50 of these flying badass beasts in operation. It would be nice to have a couple of hundred of these.

Are you trying to troll the Chinese and get their hopes UP that more of its neighbors get the F-35? My EDC bag carries more ammo than the F-35. The Chinese would probably be willing to offer India some interest-free loans to buy the F-35.

Just park this momma in the Taiwan Straits, and dare the Chinese to cross ... hehehe.

In this age of massive anti-ship missiles, I understand why they were eventually mothballed, but part of me still thinks Iowa-class battleships could've been re-purposed into something like a 'Super Aegis' class battlecruiser.

What is this techno-babble "the adjacent villages were spared" bullshit?

What? Are black people like handicapped kids or special ed morons who've got a special right to feel ambivalent about "good white people?"

Aren't you going just a 'little' overboard with the whole Armchair General Who Loves Military Porn thing?

You'll be getting a call from a couple of government agencies in the next few weeks. You've divulged on a public forum that you worked for decades on military defense projects related to submarine sonar. Are you stupid? You know you're not allowed to even say what general areas you worked/have worked in, right?

You know, if the program didn't cost HALF A FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS, this crap would actually be worth a chuckle or two.

It's not just gnarly looking, it seems like the Russian stuff is a tougher, and a lot simpler and cheaper to operate and maintain. Russian military design appears to be guided by

Very "Matrix"-like look by The Dear Leader on pic # 2.