It's FOURTEEN (14) fighter jets, not 1,400 fighter jets.
It's FOURTEEN (14) fighter jets, not 1,400 fighter jets.
Sigh.... can't we just pull the plug on the F-35, and upgrade the F-14 Tomcats ala "Block 52" enhancements or something?
You're not done fellating me yet? Can't get enough of the big black snake, can you? Yeah, your wife and mom couldn't either last night.
The F-15E's will always own the Mach Loop.
Really? You're linking to an article in Canada's most right-wing publication?? Too funny.
Careful, WestCoast, you're going to hurt your back from trying to walk backwards too quickly while trying to come up with some classy reply to preserve your "levels we can barely imagine" dignity.
The Obama administration, for whatever reason, hasn't weeded out all the NeoCons from the State Department.
Oh, and now you're peppering the wall with disclaimers now that you've found yourself in a Pot-Kettle-Black bind?
Those F-15E pilots are lugging bigger balls than bombs. You've got to be a different breed altogether to do that stuff for a living.
"Levels of corruption we can barely imagine?"
Great, you know how to copy and paste from Wikipedia. I have friends in the Ukraine. Ukrainians want to remain Russian for the most part; they are the clear majority. A lot of them do NOT understand why the West is being so antagonistic towards Russia.
Yes, the key word here is "DEFEND." Russia's there to defend a territory that has been historically part of its culture and identity as a nation since the 17th century.
Yeah, those new battleships will just come in REALLY handy when fighting enemies like ISIS, Al Qaeda and other terrorists. Match up really well with their fleets of pickup trucks and stolen Humvees. Yep, just scare the hell out of them.
One day, the survivors of World War III will be like, "It all started when one of them started trolling the other. It quickly escalated into hurt feelings. Then an aircraft carrier gets sunk. Crimea gets bombed. Then thermo-nuclear war."
It's way behind schedule and buried under cost overruns that will make it the most expensive defense project in world history. What do you mean by "decent progress?" How about, "About fucking time."
I was about to LOL, then I remembered that it's Iranian rockets that Hamas and Hezbollah were using to pummel Israel, and Iranian copper penetrators in RPGs that killed a lot of our tanks in Iraq. All cheap and maybe low-tech and not sexy, but hellishly effective.
IRAN: "Yeah, it's actually just an R/C toy thingie from Hasbro that we ordered from that heathen place, But then again, we didn't spend half a trillion dollars on some shitty do-it-all POS called an F-35, either!"
Like we're gonna believe they actually let you near nuclear explosives LOL.
Putin doesn't blow up people with drones. Obama was a "law professor" who only knows the law well enough to circumvent it.
You really need to have a talk with Edward Snowden one day ... LOL. So much Kool Aid ... how do you not get diabetes?