
Anyone who saw Jeter’s range at shortstop already knew he had alligator arms.

I hope Jeter gave him a gift basket on his way out the door.

Athletics =/= sports.

Odd religious references aside, I’m with the neighbors. I don’t want an amateur auto repair shop next to my home and if you’re honest, you probably don’t either.

I wonder if she is getting masters agree.

The sheer randomness of their inception, though, means it would be totally fine if we one day decided to change them, too.

It’s better than Bay-ward like KD the A-word.

The ‘Tics? Fuck you and your dog too

Maybe try not sucking, Angel?

This story pissed me off. It reminded me that Angel Hernandez is still an MLB umpire.

Angel Hernandez with another bad call

No, you’re absolutely correct and thanks for correcting me.

Which has me wondering if Hitler ever personally killed anyone. I’d google it, but I don’t really want “did Hitler actually kill anyone” in my search history.

Yeah, because I’m sure she did that deliberately, screaming with glee and laughing maniacally as she picked her target and fucking floored it, man!

Why is Venus so upset? Police didn’t say she was at double fault.

Survivor’s Guilt and a sense of responsibility for the death of an innocent person are tough to handle for damn near anybody. To have to deal with it and answer questions about it in a very public forum would be much tougher.

Greater New Jersey VP of Programming for PBS Vincent Cementshoes

Let’s just say I’ll take either of them over Phil Backstab over at CNBC.


Looks like someone’s takes didn’t matter amirite?