
Elisabeth Rohm was Serena Sutherlyn

You know nothing about basketball. Next time you have a thought, let it go. Your garbage words are not welcome.

Can he really be said to have been owned when what he said is accurate? It’s not like insulted Williams. He heaped praise on her.

You are aware that all being under investigation means is that someone had accused you of something, correct?

Should have thrown it harder

That’s sarcasm, right?

Graduate high school I hope

Drew, I love your stuff and you seem like a hell of a guy but you don’t know the first fucking thing about NFL quarterbacking or scheming. You’re right that NFL writers are idiots and also don’t know what they’re talking about, but neither do you. Ftr, while I wasn’t enthused with the way he did it, I stand with kap

He played for the bills, too?

You’re right, extremism and impasse are way better. Fucking moron.

It is in fact a unique bat. Most people have never even heard of them. I bet they constitute less than one percent of all bat sales. He said unique, not one-of-a kind

Please god no. I know some Boston sports fans are obnoxious, but we don’t deserve that.

Every team has obnoxious fans.

I was proving your point on purpose. It was intended to mock those people.

It’s cuz you’re a whore

And yet gsw, from their uber douche owner on down through uber douche Steph curry and the rest of their roster on down through their uber douche fans are still the biggest douches in all of sport. Enjoy your cheap ring. #noonecares

I’m going to start a gofundme to pay a player an obscene amount of money to punch him so fucking hard his jaw breaks when he does that

Steph curry is a douche of epic proportions. And stupid overrated. Also his wife is a mouthy bitch. And keep your daughter out of it, douche.

What about all the other things that also didn’t happen?

When I take Cleveland’a side Oder yours, that says a lot. Draymond Green, and his mother for that matter, are trash. Literal trash. They should be condemned to a landfill. And if there is any goodness in the world, Steph curry and his stupid daughter will go with them. And klay Thompson. And Joe Lacob.