That completely misses the point of demanding “do you know who I am?” Try again.
That completely misses the point of demanding “do you know who I am?” Try again.
Everyone knows that even a football player can’t play the “do you know who I am” card with a queen.
I think for now the NHL should probably focus on its own anemic fan base.
Hamilton Nolan — proving yet again that you don’t have to actually know anything about a subject in order to write about it for money. You are as ignorant as Donald trump.
Cute how they compare ncaamb (a sport) and ncaawb (the watching of which is less interesting than watching grass grow). Nice game or whatever. 12 people on earth care.
Sometimes there’s an extra T
Yeah that’s totally what she was saying. Moron.
Whatever point you were trying to make is entirely obscured by the fact that you talk like white trash.
Counterpoint: sorry you got picked on at recess widdle guy
The name of his franchise is not a racial slur.
I love the idea that my money is yours to take at will, you detestable parasite. It’s people like you who cause people like me to be vigilant about taxation. I want a strong and fair country and I am willing to do my part, but I am not willing to let some basement dwelling asshat treat MY money as if it were his to do…
I heard Revis was mad because they asked him to give up just a little bit of sidewalk
“We must regulate the prices at airports because I don’t understand economics and also wahhhh!” Ftfy
I don’t think you understand censorship, half-wit. Censorship is the prohibition or SUPRESSION of speech etc. and not specifically by the government. Fining him nearly five per cent of his winnings absolutely represents suppression.
Touché Callo. Callow? Gallow?!
I’m in favor of capitalism. I’m not in favor of people delighting at any entity exacting pecuniary retribution for speech, no matter how vile.
I’m fine with the consequence of people saying “wow what you said is disgusting I want nothing to do with you.” I’m uncomfortable with people praising pecuniary retribution for speech, no matter how vile.
Promoting free speech is not just a first amendment issue you knuckle dragging imbecile. Yes, shunning people for saying disgusting things like “I like Donald trump” or “I like safe spaces and censored speech” is appropriate. Indeed, you can consider yourself shunned. But applauding an organization for exacting…
Are you being serious? You’re promoting censorship of speech? People really have lost their goddamn minds.
I’m so tired of you insects whining about public/private financing partnerships.