
Yes. Your family. And the Trump family.

Good riddance

Art Briles doesn’t owe anyone an apology.


People like you are so annoying. Go back to the basement.

Gee I don't know. Perhaps because the part of the story that is relevant to New Orleans is that a player on a New Orleans sports team will not be playing. Dumb cunt.

I would pay to live in the world he describes.

Gypsy is not a race. It's a band of thieves.

Fwiw, those two unsportsmanlike calls were bullshit. And I couldn't care less about the bengals.

Yeah or bipolar disorder. So sad. I had a friend who actually killed his wife and tried to kill his children to save them from the people coming to get them. When he was put back on his medicine and realized what he did he tried to kill himself. Hopefully Tre gets some help before something really tragic and

Then you are an asshole.

Using “s/he” is ridiculous. If the gender is unknown or mixed, use of the masculine pronoun is appropriate. That's how the language works. If you don't like it, take it up with the queen.

I think we can all agree that the takeaway from this and any other article about wrestling is that wrestling is stupid

It's also about the city, which is awful

For the record I still believe all of that.

Lochte’s story is not fucking confusing. What's confusing is the number of people lining up to help Brazil's government attempt to save face. Brazil is a great country. Brazilians are great people. The Brazilian government is a cancer.

You're such an imbecile you're a goddamn menace. Where are you coming up with this nonsense?

You are so fucking ignorant. The crime *did* happen. This is Brazil trying to cover up for the fact that, despite being a beautiful country full of wonderful, spirited people, the government is a joke.

If you don't, you're a moron.

Reading that killed more brain cells than a weekend in Tijuana ever could.