
So I have the same question I’ve had regarding Chicago for the last two years: who in hell wants to go there?

You're saying you don't think Dwayne wade earned a fucking phone call? Okay, Lennie.

She's not especially attractive but she's certainly not ugly which leads one to wonder — what in hell is so wrong with Ciara that she had to settle for that?

He denies doing it on purpose. If you accidentally killed someone, particularly someone you love, don't you think you would be remorseful? Not saying it really was an accident. I have no idea.

You mean the football players who commit crimes at a lower rate than society as a whole, who lose enormous amounts of money for even being accused of minor infractions, who are treated to public humiliation by morons like you, and who are made an example of as often as they are given special treatment? Do you mean

The state can appeal and time served doesn’t count? What sort of ridiculous, hammarabian justice system is this? Scary to think there could be civilized countries with justice systems worse than our own.

Something to consider: don't live in Oakland. It's a terrible, terrible place.

The Warriors were not fucking likeable!

To be clear, you aren't reviled because you're so dominant. You haven't been good long enough to be called dominant. You are reviled because Steph curry, Joe Lacob, draymond green, Klay Thompson, Steve kerr, and your fans are all fucking revolting.

It’s worth pointing out that, despite having been named mvp twice, at not point has Steph curry actually been the mvp

Oakland is a shithole

Truthfully you were the fourth best team. Cavs, thunder, and Spurs were all better teams. Sure, you got to the finals. But, as you said, the best team doesn't always win. If the best team always won, the Patriots would have 9 rings instead of four.

No they're not. The Red Sox have won two additional titles. Golden State will win zero additional titles.

Nope. Not when your rolling with Steph curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green, Steve Kerr, Joe Lacob, and the basketball version of the seahawks’ fan base. In other words, the most obnoxious aggregation of undeserving fucktards in memory. Nope. Not fucking ever.


Your comment is just foolish. Yes, KD has earned the right to do whatever he pleases. But fans who have supported (you know, literally — that is where the revenue comes from) him and the Thunder have a right to be mad at him. It's not like okc didn't want him. It's not like okc wouldn't play him. Instead it's that he

“How Mitt Romney saved the olympics and kept America from looking like a pathetic third world nation.” FTFY

Rafa? I just threw up in my mouth a little. Oops and I injured myself.

Bye Felicia

Fwiw he does dress like he's either 12 with bad parents or homeless