
I hope someone shoots you. He was a kid who mad a mistake. Fuck you so hard.

Hahahaha you don't have a brain

It’s funny because you speak authoritatively and yet everything you say is moronic.

As a warriors fan, you are a moron. I know because that's the only way to be a warriors fan.

To be fair, no he's not.

So we are celebrating the fact that tom ley is bad at both his job and insults?

They aren’t my billions of dollars. I'm their lowly servant entrusted to grow them. Also, everyone knows the best comments are in the greys.

Sorry, I’m busy managing billions of dollars. Don’t have time for you right now. Do enjoy whatever your mother makes you for lunch.

Your slack jawed response impugnes only you. None of that is remotely accurate. You are a disreputable moron. Enjoy your life of comic books, fat women, and minimum wage jobs.

You are a disgusting human being. You know nothing of the circumstance. You know nothing of the man. You sure as hell know nothing of his family, for whom you have the despicable audacity to attempt to speak. You're talkin about human beings. I hope your tiny life stays as meaningless and uncomplicated as it is. I

I can’t hear you from your mother’s basement. Speak up. We all want to hear just how stupid you sound.

That's cute how you have opinions on subjects about which you know nothing. Enjoy your minimum wage job!

I have seen him play and curiously I've never seen him kick anyone in the groin. But hey nice try!

As a friend of his, fuck you.

You don't even merit a real response. You're a fucking moron. I desperately hope someone kicks you in the balls your sister has.

What a disgrace. He literally kicked a guy in the groin in the middle of a game. And if you don’t think it was intentional, you’re a liar or an imbecile. The number of times a guy has kicked a person in the groin as part of the natural movements involved in a field goal is zero. The nba is as bad as the NFL. If you

Also, curry, while excellent, is obnoxious as hell with his towel and his mouth guard and his body language and his faces and his whining. Nauseating. Nothing to feel good about there.

No doubt aj is an ass but seriously what a petulant child Barrett is. If you don't want to be run over, don't stand on home plate. Or, you know, do stand on home plate and win the collision. I think the lesson here is that Chicago sports teams are garbage.

Misdemeanor assault at best

Another way of putting this would be, “poll shows at least 1 in 10 native Americans is a moron,”