Serious Business

Not trying to sound like an old man here, but does that guy have a steady job?

I think about this stuff all the time. I picture a world where there are only the very rich and the very poor.

But why do you keep dating Allie when she keeps ruining each date?

For a second I read your handle as “jemimaandtheholograms” and got an image of a more interesting band.

This would be so easy a few hundred years ago in an agricultural society. A fertile, loving woman who couldn’t do much intellectually wouldn’t be nearly as marginalized in a setting like that.

You have good taste.

Hilarious in an endearing way, or a derisive way? I just wonder who it is that makes these guys think it is appreciated.

You should chime in, Noelle. And thanks for the stars! I'm glad you like my work. I'm hopeful that one day I can see some of yours.

Why was the wedding held at a walmart? Serious question.

Yeah, get ready for a conucopial flow of horridness in here. The grays are going to be a mess.

If your writing impresses an editor, that’s all that matters.

You’re right not to read it while in work-mode. It isn’t a casual read. It really takes the entire mind, and demands full attention. I didn’t “get” the story on my first read-through. It was in an anthology called “The Best of the Best” though; and it was pretty long for a short story, so I knew I must be missing

If you read the story, you’ll see why I think they'll be scratching their heads over how to market it. No sex. No explosions. No war. No drugs. No chases. Just an AMAZING feast for the mind. That doesn't exactly get butts into seats.

Reading books by professional writers is a lot more rewarding.

I don't believe time is linear.

I am a white male with published sci-fi.

Bless you!

Didn’t I see your reading “Memoirs of A Geisha” once?

This short one is worth your time:

Ad, could you do me a solid and ungrey this for me: