Serious Business

Failed writer here.

I hope he became enough of a human being that he regrets his behavior and has to live with the memory of how bad he was.


Looks like fun times! Thanks for sharing those!

Hocus Pocus and Frisbee is probably the funniest piece of science fiction I’ve seen in all my 34 years of life. Don’t miss this one, it’s really worth your time!

It's absolutely delicious, but you don't get much for your money. Beef is still a better value.

Oblate pig spheroid would be more accurate.

Yeah, but my question for you is: Do you speak jive?

Now playing

Noam Chomsky has a cogent take on politics that I always appreciate. He comments on the whole Donald Trump fandango in illuminating, albeit general terms here:

It really does go to show that truth is stranger than fiction.

Siriesena said in a later statement:

This hat makes it so easy to picture you with the the skater dudes you hung with at 19.

I say this as an experienced social worker: if he ever crosses the line into physical abuse, you should end it. Once a guy crosses that line, it's always easier to cross again. Don't let him pare your boundaries down until he feels comfortable with escalating the abuse.

It's great when the right people find eachother! Congrats!

That second one is perfect. Deliver it like a chill Pollyanna, and you'll get no grief, but all the gravy.

I just think it's sad that if someone committed a criminal act in the past, they are mandatorily put into an underclass or people who can never move upward again. I'm sorry for your situation.

The pardon describes Downey’s “good conduct in the community of his residence since his release” and that the has “paid his debt to society.”

Religious freedom doesn't cost anything to corporations, so they don't mind when politicians talk endlessly about them.

Thank you for taking my side.