I remember a woman once saying that if you do an enema with a bit of Dr Bronner’s peppermint soap, you'll be able to taste the peppermint. I guess she wasn't crazy after all.
I remember a woman once saying that if you do an enema with a bit of Dr Bronner’s peppermint soap, you'll be able to taste the peppermint. I guess she wasn't crazy after all.
You are a better person than me. I took perverse pleasure in her wailing. I don't like rude people. Should be an interesting lawsuit, though. Woman and dog vs THIS COUNTRY.
I came here to make just this point. That book was quite prescient it would seem...
Roses are red
My wife is INTJ. That’s how I had you pegged. Where everyone else saw ideology, I could see that it was the “J” in you screaming.
I’ll bet dollars to dimes this is your personality type:
I say this with affection, because I know someone a bit like you, but I’ll bet you’re the kinda guy who hates for plans to be up-in-the-air instead of nailed down, am I right?
Well, I don’t like that IO9 posts every last little boring bit of minutiae about whatever superhero movie is rumored to come out two years from now, so I just refrain from clicking those articles.
There is nothing in there about privileged, oppression, or power-relations. Nothing to challenge your world-view at all. Why does this article bug you?
That first paragraph of yours was a work of art! Thank you!
Chopsticks are a lifesaver when you have a broken limb and need to scratch an itch under your cast.
Get rid of a ton of cheap, disposable labor? Yeah, I’m sure U.S. agribusiness would just love that.
Not to minimize anything Rosie is saying, but I think that one of the aspects of the war on women is good old-fashioned lookism.
I wonder how many anti-vaxers would change their mind about vaccines if they could all be administered orally, like the one for polio. I know some are intractable, unconvinceable wack-a-doos, but i’m curious about how many of them are simply afraid of needles, and just engage in all kinds of sophistry to avoid…
I feel sorry for the kids of the future who read the opening lines to Neuromancer about how the sky looked like a television tuned to a dead channel.
I liked it too! Like yourself, I was also into academics, though, and loved accumulating knowledge. If someone wants to play trivia games, I was and still am the guy that says: “Sure!”.
Talk to any long-time writer, and they’ll tell you about other writing colleagues they’ve known who just had their creative wellspring go dry.
Stuff like this is usually just a fig-leaf for protectionism.
I did that with a leather couch once and same thing happened. I was very very happy they took it and made further use of it, but I’d never have the guts to do something like that out of fear of bedbugs.
I swear I’ve been on the website of a rare book library before, and seen this exact statement. The library said that even copies that were a few centuries old might not be very valuable unless it was a particularly rare translation with a limited print-run.