Girls like this didn't exist when I watched my first episode of Dragon Ball. You millennials should be grateful for what you have.
Girls like this didn't exist when I watched my first episode of Dragon Ball. You millennials should be grateful for what you have.
If it had been a Sierra game, someone could have won something
I just wish this world was more fair. I don't like the idea of creating such an unequal society and then blaming the victims of it when they lash out.
Perhaps if American society weren’t forcing black people into ever tightening corners, we wouldn’t see this sort of thing so often?
Ah, so if it had been four unarmed black people who died the other day, it would have been declared a massacre, just like Kent State. Well, I guess we can dismiss the injustice that created this situation then.
Thank you for not calling them “Clothing Hacks”. That word is so abused.
Can anyone comment on the level of work that went into that gif? Anyone have a rough outline of the steps involved, and an estimate on the time spent?
People come here to criticize every last boring bit of minutiae emanating from celebrities lives too, though.
The deck is stacked.
That gif is the product of some SERIOUS love! Hot damn!
I wish it was just teens. It’s older people now who can’t go five minutes without seeing if their kids posted a new status update.
See, you are a person I can respect. Thank you for being someone who doesn’t judge the Artist by the art (pardon the pun). I love people who have a large enough mind to contain that it’s kosher to adore a person’s art even if you think they hold beliefs you disagree with, or are terrible to others in their personal…
Prince didn’t say that the record industry impoverished him. The point he’s making (perhaps wrongly or rightly, I won’t take sides yet) is that the publishers profit disproportionately from the musician’s blood, sweat and tears. Also, that they exert an unfair amount of control over the musician’s product.
I remember when that article came out, and I was so thrilled by it I had to track down an old coworker of mine who had moved-on just so I could gush to him about it.
It's sad that a guy used to need a fully-stocked dark-room to develop his photos if he wanted to relive this crap or share it with others. No longer. :(
I work with a lot of ex-cons and once while they were having a smoke, the oldest one told about how when he was in the joint, one man who had raped all of his 5 daughters decided he was too good to be in Protective Custody (aka Punk City), and opted to run with the big dogs in the gen-pop. He said some of the other…
I think they all have the same stylist. This is the bastard who’s been bogarting the three o’clock.
I'm familiar with what gold-farming is, and I didn't realize that's what they were doing. Sad situation, regardless.
Nope nope nope! Remember, you only get one! If you were a guy, the idea itself would cause pain!
I used to troll people on AOL Instant Messenger (back when that was a thing) telling teens that “Everyone at school thinks you’re SUCH a poser! Why do you try to act popular?” and then basing my next sally on their response. I did it for an afternoon and got rewarded with bigger responses, but diminishing mental…