Oh, boy. This is a hard one for me. I don’t have any sympathy for people who cheat on their spouses, and I couldn’t care less if they get found out.
Oh, boy. This is a hard one for me. I don’t have any sympathy for people who cheat on their spouses, and I couldn’t care less if they get found out.
It is absolutely infuriating that a lot of privileged women would pillory this woman for taking a slight risk in order to secure a better future for herself and her children.
Oh, I’m not advocating that, I just mean that it’s inevitable that their kids WILL die from it, and their minds will be changed because of it. It won't be an end-of-life epiphany. Not their lives, anyway.
I’ve seen that type of commenter, yowie! Not to harp on my original metaphor too much, but it’s absolutely hilarious to me that those type behave in the exact manner that you’d expect a real bible-thumping, antithesis-of-mr-Rogers, fundamentalist Christian who can’t abide a more broad-minded, unconventional type of…
I imagine the dude is a “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey” kinda guy. He had fun.
I think when enough of their kids die from the exact thing they didn't vaccinate against, the pendulum will swing in the other direction.
Oh wow. This brings me back 11 years ago to a story about a bear who broke into a cooler and only drank a certain kind of beer, rejecting the others.
OOh-ho, my British friend, I want to thank your homeland for giving the world the actor who so expertly portrays this drunk right here, who is definitely a Mr Hyde.
Holy cow, man. When you consider that everyone in the world (besides rapists) reviles rapists (talk to a prison inmate about it sometime, he’ll agree), you’d think that people would be lighting a fire under every scientist’s ass to get these kits tested and the rapists locked-up.
I don't get drunk, but I'll admit that after a two glasses of wine, I become more talkative and kind of pedantic. Anyone else experience this?
I’m amazed at the hostility people have for this article. Tony should be shaken and told that his concerns are redolent of privilege. Since when did punching upward become such a sin?
Drinking shampoo will also get you some. There was an episode in the second season of Lexx where this became the basis for their adventure that week.
It’s interesting. If you take a step back and take a look at this place, it is quite similar to a religion. You establish a place that people come to in order to hear their world-views confirmed, support each-other in sharpening their moral perspective, and admonish those who step a bit out of life from the…
Eve better was the time a journalist wrote “one in three black men who have sex with me is HIV positive.”
I think it’s because everything people did as teens was loaded with such significance. I had a livejournal during that time, and I could write about every last little boring bit of minutiae the moment it happened. Now that I’m in my thirties, I think: “Why would I want to write about my day?”
You did the right thing in putting your relationship first.
Go watch her first music video. When you see what they put up with at her school, you’ll understand why she didn't learn much.
Rotten Ronnie’s don't look so bad when presented like this! Makes me hungry, even.
I remember Orson Scott Card talking about this since his first book was the most successful. He says he’d always have people saying to him: “Why don’t you do something as good as Ender’s Game?”
It’s a shibboleth. If you were born in the early to mid eighties and were into video games, (or just Fred Savage) you’d know it.