I loved this stuff as a kid. I can't conceive of playing with these things as a 33-year old man, though.
I loved this stuff as a kid. I can't conceive of playing with these things as a 33-year old man, though.
I watched that video and marvelled at how weirdly she swung that club.
Ooooh! Checkmate!
Damn, gotta clean the monitor now. (Pepsi)
Amen. These books changed me too.
Harlan is awesome! You have good taste!
Ah, you got the memo! Good to know you judge the art by the artist, as one should.
Oh, didn't you get the memo? We aren't allowed to like these books anymore. The author thinks differently than we do on some issues.
This is the funniest griefing I’ve ever seen:
But isn't America the best country in the world?
The weird lines made me go against my first instinct that it was swimwear and assume it had to be lingerie.
Nah. Just having fun like you were in your Original post.
That's not good enough for some people.
I’m serious! On this board, you’ll see people declare a blanket condomnation of all religion. Period. Then they’ll debate the finer points of food doctrine and fight over whose viewpoint is more righteous. You shouldn't say what you said. It will show them that you are the wrong kind of person. Kinda like how theists…
Ooooh, nice one. Let’s see if the fish will bite.
Be careful. People won't like you if you say this.
But how could Yorick learn to not be so reckless unless that agent engaged in BDSM with him?
Director’s cut. Avoid the thing that was put in theatres.
It means that we can feel good about ourselves as Americans. Because this group of strangers were able to kick a ball into a net more times than another group of strangers. We can take the glory that they achieved and smear it onto ourselves so that we don't feel bad about our own lack of achievement.
It seems so much friggin weirder now that I'm grown up...