
I thought Hippie Joel was my friend but then he hunted me like a dang deer

crasino hunks break your bones

Not to denigrate this guy or his struggles or anything like that, but Hoop Dreams was definitely NOT a profile of the Marshall High basketball team. The cameras were only there at all because Arthur transferred there after the St. Joe's money ran out. I clicked this link thinking William Gates' knee problems went all

Kanye couldn't sell out half the arenas on his last tour. Even at his height of relevancy (arguably ongoing) there was no chance he could fill a stadium. Verdict: Kanye is the biggest celebrity in music. Taylor Swift is clearly a bigger rock star.

It's usually the transplants who talk like this. They feel the need to prove their real-New Yorker bonafides by denigrating their shameful suburban pasts.

Hulu has them. They also have the Australian original Review and it's phenomenal.

Spraynard Kruger.

I would liiiiike….a…single…..doooooonut……made…….from……………………………………………………………………………………………..jam.

That was Karen Kilgariff

from the looks of it, a little ctrl-c and a little ctrl-v

Ernie is Francine's son.

"And never die, see!"

Lots of fun cameos in that scene, especially the pre-Fab Five Chris Webber and Juwan Howard

Not to mention that being a building superintendent is not a shabby job at all, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty.

They can technically still be called new, since they haven't released (or recorded, AFAIK) anything yet. Weinman put the group together in 2011 but schedules have not allowed for them to really work together until recently.

Mars Volta guy is drumming

He was in Cuba.

This article really misrepresents what the CIA posts were about. They were in no way a "slam" on Argo, and they actually seemed really happy that a movie existed that painted them in a good light. This is the last tweet of the series:…

We got the keys to shitty city, Rand. And Julian is the muscular mayor.

That's why I said "Oderus" instead of "Dave"