
Princess Bubblegum meets Leslie Knope!


So, I've got egg on my face. They're just not dealing with the triplet pregnancy, full stop. In an interview here…, Mike Schur says he was inspired by Battlestar Gallactica, and the show will now be kind of sci fi because it takes place in 2017. Hell, they can make Hillary president in this

Is this show too cheerful to do an emotional selective reduction or (partial) miscarriage storyline? I almost wish they would, but it's probably too dark. I just feel a perfect, happily-ever-after series finale, complete with triplets would be so…twee. Even if Leslie doesn't end up with her dream job, and we have

I miss this forum. Stupid Disqus doesn't work on my old Blackberry, and it took me a whole week to check out the AVClub reader's reaction to Leslie Knope's F-ing triplet reveal. We all agree it's horrible, right? Because it's the most horrible, creatively bankrupt, WTF Jump the shark move this sitcom could take!

I love Bouncehouse Princess!

You know what? I'd love to see a Disney take on Queen Esther. Of course, there's an evil queen in that story, too (and an evil wife of Haman), but Esther's motives weren't romantic, none of the men handsome, and it's all about a woman outsmarting a man. It's one of my favorite feminist tales from the Bible.

And Mirida's little brothers

But how did Rose Quartz die? I'm betting there was magic involved!

He seems pretty freaked out by magic, for a guy who married a magical gal. Woinder is there's some backstory behind that

Toonami is airing Akira in December. Depending on how old your kids are, maybe they can watch it? (NOTE: I never saw Akira, so I have nooo ydea how violent it is. PG? PG-13? R? JK, nothig gets an R for violence anymore!)

Marceline could have come if she happened to hear the distress call. She's a pretty fast flier.

Loved Amethyst's cat form!
Steven's first Cat Finger was cute (and reminded me of the girlfriend-for-a-hand in the anime Midori Days), but things quickly became body horrific. I'm really starting to like the supporting cast. PeeDee (Petey? P.D.? The younger Fry kid) is becoming a favorite.

I thought this episode was excellent, but it's not about James, it's about Princess Bubblegum and the lengths she was willing to go through to justify sacrificing one of her subjects for "the greater good," even when other volunteers are willing to do the job. PB purposefully messed with all of Finn's plans to justify

I know I'm late, late, late to this (I can't read Disqus comments on my phone anymore. UGH!!) But did anyone finish "The Search"?

But as humans, we have a need to articulate and analyze the whole of our experience. Articulation is necessary to bring out truths and helps us experience emapathy with others experience. Essie says that her big mistake was not speaking out. By not talking about how her husband treated herself and her son, she was

I have a friend who jokes that there is no difference between Masters of Sex and The Walking Dead - "Which one has the screaming, moaning people? " :P

oh, absolutely. No matter how interesting and likable Essie is now, she still allowed Bill to get abused by his father as a child. When she said her mistake was not speaking up, I took it as an apology to Bill-but it's too little, too late now. I don't fault Bill for holding a grudge against her.

AFAIK, Lilly's "sin" was being artificially inseminated with Bill's sperm without his permission. Why did she make it sound like she had an affair or used a sperm donor when Bill figured out she was pregnant? Was that unnecessary drama, or did I miss something?

Iroh reached Nirvana of sorts…