
Avatar and Fullmetal Alchemist have a lot in common, actually

It's like they used the "universal" signals of Orthodox Jewry for the general viewing public. They didn't put any thought into accuracy with that scene.

That was hilarious! It looked like Vivian somehow wandered through the fabric of space and time to modern-day Brooklyn. Not only wouldn't that "Temple" have existed with Orthodox congregants, but in St. Louis, MO in the 50's there certainly wouldn't be HASIDIM (Men AND Women? during a weekday service? Those men were

The Governor tried (kind of) to resist, but he can never not be a crazy leader. Zuko he is not. Maybe more like Ice King—trying to protect a little girl in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, but keeps having to return to a crazy-scary state to do it?

Guess so. The effect was really creepy. I can't eat while IO watch this show


Maybe they can do a Carol episode next season! So it sets a precedent for something good!

Well, not every show can have as much depth to its villains as a children's cartoon

Showtime CEO of Tits is very busy these days…

I figured they just kept to the house and the truck. Not that unbelievable. Well, except for the oxygen tank thing. That was stupid

Right down to the damaged eye. Zuko Alone was better, though. If the Governor had turned out to be a firebender, that would've been interesting!

But nobody developed any character in this episode! Slow episode =/character development.

If he shot himself in the head, why was he a zombie? And if he shot himself somewhere else, why was his face messed up? It didn't make sense…But hey, Backgammon or chess or something!

The Governor Alone. This ep reminded me so much of Zuko Alone (from Avatar: The Last Airbender), I was expecting Lily to put her arms around Megan and say "Not one step closer" to The Governor by the end. Did anyone else see the parallels?


Where's my Wicked movie? I want a full fledged musical!

But isn't it strange that they chose the third movie in a trilogy? I don't think the other two Madoka movies were submitted

Needs the Gintama movie :P
I'm very disappointed that Wolf Children isn't on here. Miyazaki might get nominated, but WWII sensitivities will probably keep it from winning. In a weak year, Wolf Children had a chance!
Also, Madoka is the third movie of a trilogy (based on a TV show). Why would they submit that? The

Screw the rules, I have money!-Tahno

I hope there are consequences for Rick making things a Rick-ocracy again. Would it be such a bad thing if Carol came back? She was one of the strongest characters! Now who's gonna tell the children that they're cowards if they can't stab their dead parent in the head? Certainly not Rick. Maybe Beth. But the kid she