
Yeah, I didn't realize why Beast Boy was watching "Hello, Megan" (which still sounds like a completely obnoxious sitcom) until I came to the boards. Man, is that sad. :(

Yeah, I didn't realize why Beast Boy was watching "Hello, Megan" (which still sounds like a completely obnoxious sitcom) until I came to the boards. Man, is that sad. :(

But it isn't the source of Jaime's power, which is the alien Scarab thing. BTW, was this week the first time we actually heard the Scarab the way Jaime does?

But it isn't the source of Jaime's power, which is the alien Scarab thing. BTW, was this week the first time we actually heard the Scarab the way Jaime does?

In the anime "Bodacious Space Pirates" (which is more interesting than the title would suggest) every battle starts off with electronics warfare, which as far as I could tell, was basically each side trying to hack the other's computer system. Not the same thing as simply "jamming communications", but a very smart and

In the anime "Bodacious Space Pirates" (which is more interesting than the title would suggest) every battle starts off with electronics warfare, which as far as I could tell, was basically each side trying to hack the other's computer system. Not the same thing as simply "jamming communications", but a very smart and

I'm so happy this show is back! Also, that the AV club is covering it. This was a pretty good episode. I liked the little touches, like Wally's guilty look while Paula Crock praises his support, and the Clone Etiquette confusion in Original!Roy's hospital room (Ollie: "I didn't know he wasn't the real—original—you,"

I'm so happy this show is back! Also, that the AV club is covering it. This was a pretty good episode. I liked the little touches, like Wally's guilty look while Paula Crock praises his support, and the Clone Etiquette confusion in Original!Roy's hospital room (Ollie: "I didn't know he wasn't the real—original—you,"

Anybody else approach this episode impatiently just wanting to get the Pond's farewell over with (and hopefully take River with them)?

Anybody else approach this episode impatiently just wanting to get the Pond's farewell over with (and hopefully take River with them)?

They could also bring in Booster Gold and Peacemaker, who did act as kind of mentors to Jaime in his comic series (well, mostly Peacemaker)

They could also bring in Booster Gold and Peacemaker, who did act as kind of mentors to Jaime in his comic series (well, mostly Peacemaker)

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus On teen deaths in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Jet's death might've been unclear, but Yue's transition to Moon Spirit was treated like a death even though they had that spiritual "out"

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus On teen deaths in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Jet's death might've been unclear, but Yue's transition to Moon Spirit was treated like a death even though they had that spiritual "out"

But in DBZ they kept coming back to life, right? So they might as well have just been sent to another dimension.

But in DBZ they kept coming back to life, right? So they might as well have just been sent to another dimension.

So it'll be up tomorrow, or next week?

So it'll be up tomorrow, or next week?

What happened to the TV Classic Justice League review? Is it on hiatus?

What happened to the TV Classic Justice League review? Is it on hiatus?