
Really late to the party here with a tl;dr post. Deal with it! :D 
I really hope Amon isn't Bumi. They just played the "villain is motivated by daddy issues" card with Tarrlok, playing it again with Amon would just be repetitive. Plus, revealing one of Aang and Katara's kids as the bad guy would be a major bummer.

Really late to the party here with a tl;dr post. Deal with it! :D 
I really hope Amon isn't Bumi. They just played the "villain is motivated by daddy issues" card with Tarrlok, playing it again with Amon would just be repetitive. Plus, revealing one of Aang and Katara's kids as the bad guy would be a major bummer.

and then let everyone know what everyone else really thinks about them…

and then let everyone know what everyone else really thinks about them…

I'm glad they didn't kill off Artemis. It would be too convenient, too easy to write off as "well, it was her first day back on the job in at least a year, she was rusty and vulnerable, etc."

I'm glad they didn't kill off Artemis. It would be too convenient, too easy to write off as "well, it was her first day back on the job in at least a year, she was rusty and vulnerable, etc."


Zuko was also desperate for his father's recognition and approval. It was only after he went back home and his dad still mostly ignored him (and revealed his plans for genocide), that Zuko realized that Iroh was more of a Dad to him than his father ever was (and yet, in The Promise comics, he's still struggling with

Just don't skip the Season 1 ep "Image". It's so important to M'gann's character establishment and development. It's also a damn good episode!

Just don't skip the Season 1 ep "Image". It's so important to M'gann's character establishment and development. It's also a damn good episode!

I am loving this show. And thanks to this show, I picked up the Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle trades from my library, and I really like them. too. 
I enjoyed Impulse's comic relief shtick, so it kind of broke my heart when he revealed that it was a cover in the clip at the end. Kid came from a sucky future.
Cheshire is not

I am loving this show. And thanks to this show, I picked up the Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle trades from my library, and I really like them. too. 
I enjoyed Impulse's comic relief shtick, so it kind of broke my heart when he revealed that it was a cover in the clip at the end. Kid came from a sucky future.
Cheshire is not

I haven't read pt 2 yet, but this has been bothering me since pt 1:
Why doesn't Zuko ask Mai for advise? She spent her whole life surrounded by Fire Nation politics, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's lived in more than 1 Fire Nation colony, not to mention that her father ran a colony. She's been hinting to Zuko that

I haven't read pt 2 yet, but this has been bothering me since pt 1:
Why doesn't Zuko ask Mai for advise? She spent her whole life surrounded by Fire Nation politics, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's lived in more than 1 Fire Nation colony, not to mention that her father ran a colony. She's been hinting to Zuko that

I've been comparing A:TLA with FMA (I think A: TLA matches FMA more in theme and tone) as cultural inverses for a while. They also both feature badass ladies, close sibling relationships, and theme dealing with militarism, war, violence vs. nonviolence, & genocide.

I've been comparing A:TLA with FMA (I think A: TLA matches FMA more in theme and tone) as cultural inverses for a while. They also both feature badass ladies, close sibling relationships, and theme dealing with militarism, war, violence vs. nonviolence, & genocide.

Oh, I like Cabbage Corp and the Cabbage Man statue. It;s the fact that Cabbage Corp was implicated and shut down for supplying the equalists that I didn't like, and I'm glad CC was framed in the end.

Oh, I like Cabbage Corp and the Cabbage Man statue. It;s the fact that Cabbage Corp was implicated and shut down for supplying the equalists that I didn't like, and I'm glad CC was framed in the end.

Asami told Mako that her mother was dead in the first episode they met. She still didn't get a lot of character development, though.

Asami told Mako that her mother was dead in the first episode they met. She still didn't get a lot of character development, though.