60-day DL: the clap from a Dornish prostitute, torn labrum from throwing spear, concussion from trying to remember all the additional characters and plot points.
60-day DL: the clap from a Dornish prostitute, torn labrum from throwing spear, concussion from trying to remember all the additional characters and plot points.
So, so happy this dude won a ring. And took down the super team to do it. Good for him!
That BBC video about his sweater looks like its from the ‘70s. What the fuck?!
“British system is still a lot more sensible than the electoral college”
Take the L on this one, man
The quotes served to indicate that I am not going to put an asterisk on the fact that he killed himself and we should somehow be okay with this. It doesn’t matter what he did to get where he was, ANY time someone decides their only option is suicide is a tragedy. Full stop.
counterpoint: FUCK AARON HERNANDEZ, he’s a murderer.
why did you put bad guy in quotes? Piece of shit killed dudes because someone accidentally bumped into him. The story of his downfall is tragic - his death most certainly isn’t.
The fact that he was a sociopathic murderer actually does makes his suicide much less sad than, say, the suicide of a normal person that never felt the need to kill someone over a spilt cocktail.
I would argue that him being a bad guy does indeed make this less sad.
“There was a reason why Henry Ford paid his employees enough to buy the cars he was making.”
I was never thin enough for any of the many stores/chains that are closing now. Schadenfreude out the wazoo right now.
Yet PG-13 movies in the ‘80s had topless girls/women running around in all of them and some pretty crude sexual innuendos and no one batted an eye.
Just as crunchyroll and funimation play nice and come together, amazon had to just swoop in with anime strike to divide the anime streaming exclusivity again. I hate this shit.
☝ Is there anything he CAN’T do better? (That is rhetorical).
I’m not sure about psychosis, but I did try this shit back when it was legal, and can confirm it’s waaaaay more fucked up than weed. Of course it wouldn’t even exist if weed were legal.
Synthetic stuff like that, especially the unknown quality and ingredients of it one might get in prison instead of at a corner store, is well-known for potentially causing psychosis-related problems. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that led to a suicidal mindset among someone close to that already, in a way real…
Take your Kirby dance and go.
(> ^_^)> <(^_^ <) (> ಠ_ಠ)>
This article is a fun read, though I feel it’s a bit remiss that it doesn’t mention Komota’s Kirby upsetting Ally at Frostbite a couple months ago.
“He’s especially weak in Super Smash Brothers: Melee, which is still one of the most popular Smash games on the competitive circuit.”