
Many box office record setting films are mediocre. They’re movies that try to appeal to everyone, in a world where niche is interesting. So, they’re going to appear a bit milquetoast or maybe even be not so great.

Try living in Massachusetts and having every MA-based movie depicting an accent that only still exists in maybe 2-3 zip codes.

Kyle XY is the only one I’ve seen (besides a few episodes of ST the Animated Series), and was a *fantastic* show.

I fucking hate joysticks. They do not work as well as dpads. Fuck joysticks.

The Gamecube did not fair well. Nintendo came out with a new, groundbreaking console.... and charge $100 or more less than it’s competition.

Let’s also not forget that they strip online functionality from their games to prevent players from being able to communicate with each other.

A whole lot of people have purchased 3DS’s, though, so portability is still a winner. (The portable lines have been Nintendo’s most consistent big winners since Nintendo started making the Gameboy.)

Carrie Fisher is a national treasure.

Well, figures I just bought 2 of the movies a few weeks ago, after having fallen in love with HP all over again during the HP IMAX rerelease....

Well, figures I just bought 2 of the movies a few weeks ago, after having fallen in love with HP all over again

agree. town halls are townie events, but most people who serve on town committees, especially wonky ones like finance committees or school committees, are smart folks doing real yeomen’s work — and there for the right reasons.

I do believe Lexington has an elected town meeting. But if so, there are probably well over 100 members elected. My town has an elected town meeting and basically anyone who can scavenge up 4-5 votes wins a spot. (Not exaggerating.)

Kindergarteners have more input in a classroom than a member of town meeting does on the town meeting.

I almost feel sad that Bill Weld tarnished his record attaching himself to the hip of nutty dumb dumb Gary Johnson.

“dying game”

That’s BS. Regular tourists don’t just make shit up, or intentionally embarrass a country on an international level by making up fraudulent stories.

Lochte is an attention-seeking dude-bro D-Bag who’s lived a life of huge privilege, and who’s already had a reality show and would like another one, and has a ‘clothing line’ who’s success is no doubt in direct proportion to his fame?

When people don’t do anything wrong and that happens, let’s feel bad. When someone essentially makes up a fraudelant event and wastes what I’m sure was significant police and IOC resources in investigating such a serious allegation.... and damages local tourism... then they’ve probably committed a crime and deserve to

Oh, no. I think Brazil is absolutely right to go after Lochte for this. What Lochte said could actually do real damage to Brazil’s tourist economy.

And, you know, Lochte is a diamond-grill-wearing douche who (allegedly) lied about something Lochte knew would be international news as soon as he said it. And,

Lochte got out of there real fast. Like, Gold Medal fast. Jeah!

Yes, I’ve seen the originals. Empire Strikes back has some very adult themes. The original, however, is boy farmer gets instructed by a wizard and is sent off to save the day — one of the best in a long line of Boy Farmer epic tales, which can be enjoyed by all, but have long been targeting kids — and by long, I