You didn’t include it in the story, but c’mon, the #1 reason these folks prefer cash tips is for tax evasion.
You didn’t include it in the story, but c’mon, the #1 reason these folks prefer cash tips is for tax evasion.
It would be helpful if this article provided a list of the apps also rather than a link to a list.
I think that the fear that all women could be Transexual is considered transphobic. Words have meaning and the definition fits what was said.
Good on Andrea and the rest of the GDQ community to push them into what is pretty fucking crystal clear response they should have given at first.
St Louis is a garbage town. Avoid at all costs.
Im glad im not the only one who read it this way.
Therapist Stephen Snyder is very sure of himself.
If you remove the comma from the title, the article suddenly gets much more interesting.
8. The laser blast to the face. Pretty much a great conversation ender. Plus, puffy pink clouds.
Shh...don’t give Betsy DeVos any ideas!
That’s Extremely Worrying: The US School System
Records show that David Allen Turpin had received state approval to operate a private school out of his home
The entire passport system is so stupid and antiquated I can’t believe it exists in 2017. In our area there’s literally three places to get a passport (there was a forth that closed last year). All of the offices are basically in post offices and staffed only part time (or on call) by postal workers who seem to hate…
I too can identify with these dudes, as I’m also not allowed to have unsupervised visits with my children.
That’s most places in America still. What the fuck are they butthurt about?
you’re a dingdong
Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.
I don’t agree with this advice. It puts the onus on those people attacked by these people to avoid services that they can benefit from.