
i have read great reviews of Tom Hiddleston as Hank (only 2 or 3 criticising him ) and have read just about every review which has come put since last year when it had a release at the Toronto Film festival.Many critics say
the film script lets him down so I am still hoping to see it but the subject matter is

my favourite film made the list Only Lovers Left Alive

wow to people two very different perceptions

I found that a basic understanding of the plot helps but from my experience the more you go see Shakespeare performed the more on tune with the language you become.
 The current trend is for actors to avoid big speeches and just speak it like an everyday language which makes it so much easier to follow.Michael

For me it works better if he is not totally cold and debauched but has genuine feelings for Falstaff and Poins etc and is just out to have fun before he takes on the responsibility of the crown .He always knows he will have to  take on the crown one day and al that it entails hence the tavern soliquay. However  as

It's interesting that the discussions re the interpretation of  the Henry's has been so diverse as opposed to Richard 11 where the bulk of the feed back focuses on Wishaw's performance. To me Shakespeare is at his best when the dynamics of the performance leave you debating the interpretation of the writers words. The

Just one other observation. I found Falstaff and Hal more interesting in this production than previous performances I have seen. The Henry's have always tended to bore me but in this series they came alive in a way they had not before. Falstaff for once actually seemed like a real person as opposed to a buffoon.
 As to

I actually preferred the two Henry IV  too Richard 11 which I felt was dominated by one performance which over shadowed the intricacies within the play, Richard  was by far the most theatrical of the four episodes and seen on television it felt a bit   stilted especially  as the cast interaction was nowhere near as

I think its good old panto style  double entendre and very funny. The cookie Monster is really hot and the two of them certainly have charisma.
Loki  I am sure would be right at home with another blue monster..