Interim Banana

I’m not a racist, but ... there shouldn’t be black people in tv shows, and black people being on this show has ruined it and angered me.” (“And women. I also hate women.”)

It’s a crime and people were complaining.  You kind of have to address it at that point.

I think most men would be completely shocked both by how young girls are when this sort of behavior starts happening to them, and by how pervasive it is throughout our lives. I once asked a boyfriend of mine (we were both in our early 30s) how old he thought I was when I started receiving unwanted sexual attention

I often have to airdrop files to people for work who aren’t in my contacts and boy to I end up regretting it when I forget to change my setting back. I was in line for a ride with my daughter at Universal Studios a couple months ago and someone kept sending out photos of the QAnon Shaman. I guess that still counts as

Yep.  Alicent has not slept with Viserys. That was something entirely dreamed up by the reviewer in this article, who apparently wasn’t really paying attention to those scenes. There is zero indication or hinting that they’ve done anything other than be friendly; the king even directly says they’ve just had “talks”

There’s been no evidence shown they had a sexual relationship.

There’s a palpable tension between Viserys and Alicent, who has probably been sleeping with the king in the six months since the queen died and who, I cannot emphasize enough, is 15 years old.

I mean she wasn’t Lena Headey but she definitely wasn’t Kit Harington.

What were you watching? The Viserys had a choice to lose them both or just his wife, he didn’t have to choose one or the other, he made a choice almost anyone would make (as painful as it is).

I mean, if she doesn’t live at home, she could have just not called him for three weeks, and he might not have called her to give her space. Or he might have been exaggerating and it was really like 10 days but it felt like three weeks!  Or maybe she does live at home and you’re right, I have no idea.  I’m just

A great way to go out. We see Saul ‘win’ against the government to remind us why we enjoyed him then we get to see Jimmy truly win, at his own cost, by winning back a small piece of Kim’s respect.

Another masterful aspect of this show, not often discussed, was the quality of the writing. Both in dialogue and in images it said what it needed to say and nothing more, but both had great depth. In the dialogue, we didn’t get the characters explaining all they were thinking and feeling, in terrible heavy-handed,

TLDR and spoiler warnings:

Marie did call Skyler in the BB finale to inform her that people knew Walt was back in ABQ. We hear her leaving a message on the answering machine as the camera pans in and reveals Walt to already be in Skyler’s home. I assume they remain in contact, but Skyler probably didn’t feel the need to face Saul given that she

I work with addicts.

I think Bill will be OK. Representing Saul Goodman will buy him an in with the clientele Saul catered to. He’s going to have more business than he can handle.

With a brilliant shot of a courtroom exit sign brightly lit above Saul’s head,”

SPOILERS (for if you in fact haven’t seen the show)

What a wonderful finale to an amazing show. I think this was the happiest ending Jimmy could have gotten. One without heartache. I love that he chose a lifetime in prison, and still having a place in Kim’s heart, over a life of freedom (minus 7 years), and having no place in her life at all. I think this is one of the

He turned the clock back to being Jimmy, by turning 7 years into 86. He really did it: he built a time machine.